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Everything posted by Hduriejbdhdu

  1. I have a D70 and a few lenses to go with it. I’m about to leave for a summer vacation, traveling to several countries. I’d like to bring back some great pictures from this trip. If memory serves correctly, the D70 was below a thousand dollars when it was first released. If I’m due for an upgrade, then I wouldn’t want to pay more than the original camera cost for a replacement. However when I begin looking into my options, it seems like mirrorless cameras are the most capable technology in that price range now. Unfortunately a mirrorless camera would render my lenses useless. So I don’t know what to do now. Would upgrading to a budget DSLR be a poor investment considering how mirrorless is taking over the budget market now? Are the files made by a D70 still good enough to meet the standards of modern post-“development” work? If so, then maybe I’ll just stick with what I have. Or are there clear benefits to upgrading, and viable options out there that would fit my budget? If yes, then which affordable camera is likely to stay relevant the longest in today’s rapidly changing market?
  2. Think I figured it out. Used this reply as a whiteboard and kept editing/submitting until the error was found. Apparently I N V E S T M E N T is a bad word. Good to know. Thanks!
  3. Thread can be deleted now. See below!
  4. New member here. Trying to make a Nikon Equipment post but the spam filter keeps preventing me from submitting it. Help?
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