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Everything posted by gbaldrich

  1. gbaldrich

    Sunset on the Ancient

    Many thanks, Bill!
  2. gbaldrich

    Thanks for your comment, George!
  3. gbaldrich


  4. gbaldrich

    Mallard in Green

    Beautifully done!
  5. gbaldrich

    Flamingo Foraging

    Whoops! Thanks for catching that, Bill.
  6. gbaldrich

    Sunset on the Ancient

    Bristle cone pines are the oldest living things on Earth. One has been dated at over 4,000 years.
  7. But click on B&W,All time, viewed. Nude central.
  8. This was during one of California's worst wildfire years and the deep background is quite smokey. However there was a good water level in the lake back then. During drought years you can walk up to the tufas, which really should not be allowed.
  9. gbaldrich

    Beauteous Moment

    Thanks, Chris! Bishop is the doorway to California's gorgeous Eastern Sierra region.
  10. gbaldrich

    Las Pioor

    Surreal and wonderful!
  11. gbaldrich

    Fine use of textures, cheers!
  12. gbaldrich


    Hoi An is one of Vietnam's greatest treasures and a heaven for photographers.
  13. gbaldrich


    Thanks, Chris! MV is a photographers dream. You should check out John Ford's classic Western movies filmed there.
  14. gbaldrich


    Few Americans even know about Monument Valley and to me it is more amazing than the US Nat Parks. Thanks Warren!
  15. gbaldrich

    Street Vendor

    Thank you, Vlad! I was reprocessing it in color when it suddenly begged for B&W. Take care.
  16. gbaldrich

    Morning Mist

    You got that right, Warren. I've been 4-5 times and barely scratched the surface. It is overwhelmingly vast and amazing. Thanks so much!
  17. gbaldrich

    Morning Mist

    This is a thousand year old village in Hunan Province, China. Fantastic, but very hard for Westerners to visit. Thanks!
  18. gbaldrich

    Lifeless desert.
  19. gbaldrich


    Thank you, Rich!
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