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Image Comments posted by gbaldrich

    Sunset Serenity

    Thanks, Chris! After bouncing around all over Morocco for two weeks, including 2 days in the desert dunes, Essaouria by the sea was a wonderful respite from the sand and dust of the road. This scene and the sea air really ended our trip on a fine note.

    Lone Lookout

    Franz, thanks. I never thought about itas looking like a painting. I know that I should have reprocessed it as the tree lst some detail in this version.

    Lone Lookout

    Thanks, Todd! I was in the right place at the right time. Some years this tree looks dead and gone, but we come back a year later and its all green and healthy again.

    Lone Lookout

    Living in the desert not too fat from Joshua Tree, when there are strong winds in the atmosphere, we can take advantage if we're fast and somewhat lucky to be there at the right time. Thanks, Chris and Laurent!
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