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Posts posted by photog1514

  1. Yes. If the lens is set to F5.6, it will stop down to F5.6 when the shutter button is pressed.


    Thank you, Jim...that's good to know. Just wanted to confirm before putting in a roll of film. Thanks again for answering.

  2. Manual - YES


    Thank you. I just got the correct batteries and getting ready to put if through some tests to check for light leaks, etc. If I set the aperture value on the lens barrel (not using "A"), will the camera stop the lens down when pressing the shutter button?

  3. I have a general question on the EF body (stupid question, maybe). I just picked up an EF body on a whim to go along with my collection of A-1, AE-1, F-1 new and FTb. Is the EF strictly an automatic exposure body only, or is there a way to shoot in full manual exposure mode? My FD lenses do allow you to set the aperture lever on the back of the lens which will allow manual adjustment of the aperture without the lens needing to set to the "A" mark, but this gets to be a pain. My FDn lenses don't have this feature. I'd just like to use my external meter and shoot manually if at all possible.
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