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Posts posted by 10964956

  1. Hmmm... the lens has no visible thread or mount, maybe there is something hidden. If not, I thought about asking help to someone with a 3D printer. The lens weights about 360 grams.

    My bellows + enlarger column do not get close enough to get frame filling shots of a 35mm frame, unless I add a tube or something, I guess. They work OK with my Fujinon EX 75mm, which astonishingly seem to resolve 35mm Fuji Acros on my 60mp A7R4, though I will make some more tests to be more assertive about that combo.

    I'll try with APX25 and TMAX100 negs to be sure, for instance.

  2. Hello people!


    I'm in the process of making up a film copy rig using my ennarger column and lenses (Schneider Comoponon-S 50mm f2.8, Fujinon EX 75mm f4.5), a bellows, my A7R4 and a led lightsource.

    While tinkering with all this, I found a Noritsu minilab lens for cheap, a 90mm f5.6. As most minilab lenses, has both fixed aperure and focus. Some people say that minilab lenses are awesome, maybe some of you can enlight me about them.


    Do you know something about this kind of stuff? seems to need some makeshift adapter.


    Thanks in adavance!

  3. Hello everybody!


    I'm constructing a film digitizing rig composed of a Sony A7R4, an enlarger column + baseboard, a M42 bellows and and a Fujinon EX 75mm f4.5 enlarger lens.


    I lay negatives strips (just B/W so far) over a 14mm thick piece of glass backlit by a led device. The Fujinon can cope with the A7R4 resolution better than my Sony 100mm f2.8 Macro, besides he bellows makes it much easier to focus with finesse.


    But I found out that the various openings in the Fujinon generate light gatherings that lower the contrast and micro contrast a lot, producing dull and compressed pictures.


    Which is the best way to shield the lens and fill the openings? Just black tape? Is there something I am missing out?


    Thanks in advance.

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