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Everything posted by 10964670

  1. Thanks John... I hadn't even considered consistent lighting until you (and others) brought it up.
  2. Thanks AJG.... The copy stand artifacts range from around 1" (finger tools) to 9" tops (handaxes). Others will be photographed from a different setup/angle. Max depth of the copy stand artifacts will probably be 2 1/2". I hadn't thought of an enlarger, will check them out. Will also check out a flash system. Consistency is a big priority for me...thx.
  3. Thanks Jochen..... It's obvious I need to do more research. Canon needs to be on the table, too. With regard to lighting, I haven't really gotten that far yet. I will be taking photos inside with very little natural light. It will be trial and error for sure. Also, will be a tethered setup to a desktop PC for live review...
  4. Thanks David, for the time and insight. I don't know much about photography (still reading and absorbing), but to me the hardware selection kinda follows how I have bought stereo equipment in the past. For a sound system, put the money in the speakers, or what you hear. For photographs, put the money in the lenses, or the lens and sensor combo. I will be tethering the camera to a desktop, so some of the bonuses on the camera don't matter as much. We haven't made it to lighting yet, but it doesn't look like that will be very expensive. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks 10964670 and c_watson|1....I really appreciate your time and the feedback. Per some of your points - - I will be spending the least possible on the copy stand. I am hoping that once I get my distance-to-subject down (hope to produce actual size photos for most of what I have in a 8x10 paperback), adjustment on the copy stand will be minimal. - I agree on skipping the kit lens. From what I have read, it sounds like a nice macro lens is what I need for the book, with a general purpose lens to come later. The best macro photos are my priority at this time as long as I can get all for < $1000. - As for Amazon vs. the others, Amazon requires no $ up front, just a bigger chunk on the back end. Blurb is out because of the cost, Amazon bought CreateSpace and is folding them into their empire as we type, BookBaby has some up front cost. Not sure about Lulu. Amazon only requires a Word document to do POD, you can get proofs for cost, and take the manuscript elsewhere if not satisfied with the quality. Basically publish on a shoestring budget if you can handle the tech side (which I can). Not a big fan of Amazon, but it's hard to argue with free and Kindle et al. Thanks again for your input...T
  6. Thanks Karim.... I will check out the Fuji line, and also Sony. Like I said, I am a novice and thus easily influenced by mass market articles and reviews. Any lens recommendations?
  7. Greetings photography enthusiasts and professionals... I am building a copy stand setup from scratch to photograph Native American artifacts. Artifacts can be seen at groundsidestonetools.com. I have $1000 to spend on the entire rig. I have settled on the Nikon D5600 based on a) general purposes b) wife needs an lcd display for general photography c) budget including lens(es), d) flexibility with eBay/used lenses e) PC connectivity would like actual size photos after cropping g) name. Will pull the trigger on D5600 purchase in the next few weeks unless someone can convince me otherwise. I plan on publishing through Amazon POD (print on demand) a book on my artifacts. Over the next 10 months I will be taking thousands of high-res photos for use in the book. The questions I have are: 1) skip the kit lens for a different general purpose/copy stand lens? 2) get the kit lens and a 100mm lens for copy stand work? 3) something else? (all suggestions are appreciated) I am moving from a Canon 7.1 mega pixel point 'n shoot to a $1000 copy stand setup - I am in a little over my head and any help would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks, T
  8. 10964670

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  12. 10964670

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