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Posts posted by erikk


    One thing I notice about the "fog" pattern is that it seems to have one sharp edge crossing the film, that seems to repeat every 8 sprockets, which looks like the same length as your normal frames. So there seems to be a repeat pattern correlated with film advance. Perhaps the camera has a leaking light seal on the take-up side, so every time you advance film the take-up is getting gradually fogged until you advance again? Now, I don't know if this pattern persists throughout the entire roll, so can't really say for sure; maybe it's just a coincidence?


    In any case, finding an explanation as to how the film might get fogged still doesn't prove that the chemicals are ok. I would suggest that, if the next roll is really important, then do a test processing run to verify that everything is ok. I might be inclined to load a fresh roll of film, shoot 3 or 4 test frames, then go in a darkroom to cut the film. Then just develop the short piece to see how it goes.


    All of the things that rodeo_joe mentions could be pertinent, too.


    Certainly looks like light fogging.


    Are you sure the area where you loaded the developing tank was completely dark? A domestic room at night with the curtains drawn isn't dark enough.


    If you're using a changing bag, have you checked its condition and made sure it's light-tight?


    Are you using a plastic tank? If so are you sure all the parts and seals are there? Some plastic tanks allow infra-red to penetrate. Was the tank sitting in sunlight after being loaded?


    Incomplete bleach-fixing can cause the film to be dark, but this doesn't usually happen in patches, and looks different from what you've shown. The processing looks OK to me - other than the fogging of course.

    Thank you both for your replies. I've shot a roll with the same camera a couple of weeks ago without this problem, so I think the error might have happened in the loading of the tank. I loaded the film in what seemed to me complete darkness. My "darkroom" is a bathroom with a tiny window up high, that I first covered with a towel tight to the inner window frame and then I hanged a dark wool-blanket over the entire window frame. I didn't register any light at all. But could it be too bad of a solution for a darkroom? I will try to load my next roll in a room without windows.

  2. Thank you for your replies!

    I'm pretty sure the camera back hasn't been opened.. Could it have happened in the development process?


    Also; I was kind of sceptical on the chemicals for this development, because I was not sure how they would performe because they haven't been used for some time. So are you sure this hasn't something to do with the chems? because I'm going to develop a roll later today (from a different camera) and I don't want the same to happen..



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