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Everything posted by remrem

  1. remrem


    Thank you for your thoughts and observations, Philip. Brahmas have feathered legs which can require a bit more care and consideration in raising them.
  2. remrem

    Testimony to the love of the senses. Feeling pretty and hot is always desirable. Moreover, if you get a portrait of the same, then the hotness and happiness even increases more.
  3. remrem


    Thank you for looking in and for the kind compliment.
  4. remrem


    Listens but doesn't believe, maybe kisses but doesn't love. Oh well, portrait work is moody, filled with psychological tension. Atmosphere of a moment feels influenced by playful narratives and elegance.
  5. remrem

    Shifting away from the norm through non-traditional, creative photography may seem like a little thing, but having your subject's trust is huge. Strength feels pure due to b/w and cuts in the portrait rightly by bringing out a unique expression. Love it.
  6. remrem


    The shyness is the best accessory which can be worn by a girl. From pose to the light everything is bringing out the naughty flavor.
  7. remrem

    I am dreaming of summer

    A sensitive approach to the natural environment fit the feeling soft and warm and the character of your model. But, it also goes beyond that a visual twist immersing the viewer in.
  8. remrem


    Andrew depicts a glimpse of hope in the eyes of his subjects. Simply touching…
  9. remrem

    Posing your subject in a different area, with an unusual background gets all desired attention from the viewer. The simplicity and truly girlish nature.
  10. remrem


    Andrew, Thank you kindly for your visit and compliment.
  11. remrem


    The portrait has been made with utter care and deep understanding. We all want to stay young and stay strong forever. The hand postures are the show stealer.
  12. remrem


    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.
  13. remrem


  14. remrem


    White Orpington
  15. remrem


  16. remrem


    I hope their return may warm your heart.
  17. remrem


    White Orpington
  18. remrem


    Silver Campine
  19. remrem


    Leghorn and Orpington
  20. remrem


    White Leghorn
  21. remrem


    The trust, dives deep in the art of portraiture. Lighting, posing match up a personality and indefatigable patience.
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