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Everything posted by lynnherring

  1. The camera is fine. I wanted a lower ISO so there would be less grain. So, maybe I need to find another setting. It's a new camera and I'm trying to get used to it. The CFL lights are not very bright. I do have a tripod. I think I might need to rig something up and get on top of the work somehow. Thanks for your quick response.
  2. Hi, I'm new to photo.net. I am an artist shooting my work and I have a Nikon D3400. Years ago I bought a CFL light kit with softboxes. The lights are pretty awful so a professional photographer friend told me to get 4 work lights at home depot using incandescent flood lights. I did that and for small/flat work, it was fine. I have a larger piece 36" square and 3" deep. I layed it on the floor on white seamless and set up the work lights. There were shadows going in all sorts of directions so I got out the CFL light and the softboxes. There wasn't enough light to shoot at the f stop I need without using a desirable ISO. Would LED floods work in these softboxes or do I need to invest in a better lighting kit? My funds are limited and would prefer to keep from spending a lot of money. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  3. trying to get good photos of this game and my sculpture work.
  4. lynnherring

    XOX game

    game I have created and I'm trying to get a good photo of t his.
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