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Everything posted by olliesev

  1. Thanks for the advice Chuck. I bought the camera in an "as is" condition from ebay (definitely problem #1), but it was cheap so I figured, why not? I'll probably look for another Ftb in better condition just to avoid other problems. Looking on ebay now, I see good condition A1s for about the same price as great condition Ftbs (a good F1 is just out of my price range at the moment).
  2. Looks like this is the problem. The signal lever on the lens stops just short of being above the lever on the camera, so the lens lever doesn't "hook" on to it. The lever on the camera is at the very top of it's slot, but the one on the lens rests just below the top of its slot, and it springs back when I slide it there. The 2 pictures below show the lens lever set at 1.8.
  3. Hi chuck They're definitely FD lenses. The coupler is all the way up with the lens off, and when I slide it down the lollipop slides up in the viewfinder. Problem could be that the coupler is bent back. It doesn't look like it, but a millimeter might make a big difference. I attached a picture in case there's something I'm not seeing.
  4. Hey everyone, Beginner here. I just got an FTb QL that I'm dying to bring out and about, but I've noticed that the aperture needle/"lollipop" in the viewfinder doesn't move when I turn the aperture ring on the lens. The lollipop does move in the viewfinder when I slide the spring-loaded clip on the right side of the mirror, so I don't think the problem is the camera, but I could be wrong. I've tried 3 FD lenses, but the lollipop still won't budge. With the lenses, the lollipop just stays slightly below the meter index. The battery is still good, and the shutter speed needle adjusts as expected. It's the aperture lollipop that's driving me nuts. It seems odd to have 3 lenses that show me the same problem. At the same time, since the lollipop does move when I slide the corresponding lever on the camera, maybe the problem lies with the lenses? I know the stop-down lever isn't engaged because I can easily mount the lenses. Or is something not making contact?
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