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Everything posted by chrismitchell

  1. Somebody on here has tried one. Do you lose detail in your pictures if you use the teleconverter? In the old days people said they weren't good enough. Maybe in the new days they are good enough? I just noticed that Nikon has a $15,000 lens with a built-in teleconverter. I don't have $15,000. I do have $599. Or I could save up and buy a 400mm lens in the spring. If two people say the converter gives a less Sharp photo I will hold off and buy the lens at a later time.
  2. If I want to sit out in the desert and shoot time laps for hours at night, maybe I need a clear filter. To protect my lens. Rokinon 14mm. Honestly, I know very little about filters. I figure sand blowing around a windy desert could be harmful. Would a filter help?
  3. What about filters? If I want to shoot time laps, I might need to protect the lens. I have a Rokinon 14mm manual focus lens for shooting star photos. I also have a Nikkor 24-200/4-6.3. I know very little about filters. If I want to sit out in the desert at night for hours, I maybe should figure out how to protect my lens. The highest setting for time laps is 3840 x 2160 30p. Compared to 6016 x 4016 for a still imagine
  4. I have yet to use the time laps setting on my shiny new z5. I am traveling into Baja Sur tomorrow to try it out. Dark sky don't you know. This seems to be a good video. But, honestly time laps is new to me. Any advice?
  5. The white, grey and black cards, I bought at a camera store. Maybe $20 or so. Sometimes the white card works good. Sometimes not. Sunset is one time it's not so good. Indoors, with a girl sitting near a window, I find a white index card works better than the store bought card. The shades of white are different. The store bought card is a little reflective. I suspect this has something to do with it. The index card is not reflective. Another question. Where should I post a question about photographing Mayan ruins?
  6. "Unless you absolutely must make the correction in camera." I won't be taking a computer Guatemala or Colombia, or most any other place. Is there a small tablet that could do the job?
  7. Oh. Switching brands is like learning a new dance. If you have been going to a ceili for years then all of a sudden your new girlfriend only likes to samba.
  8. Direct measurements? I plan to figure out what that means.
  9. When taking portraits, I often used a white card and click white balance, with my rx100. My z5 doesn't seem to have a click white balance. In the mountains of Guatemala, camera doesn't seems to guess correctly. Maybe the skin tones of the Mayan people are not know to... . It's not just me either. I am asking for help to get the correct white balance. Not just buy using the cloud or shade icon. I have a black card and a gray card, but have never used them. Not just for me but for many people, the skin tone comes out to yellow. I would bet someone knows a trick I don't. If you want to explain the gray card I'll read it. But, I'm not asking about post processing. I asking about traveling without a computer.
  10. Simple question. How much detail would I lose from a 2x teleconverter compared to a 400 mm lens?
  11. "I really recommend shopping hands on." Thanks gents. [img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51590378545_5c4a7fb043_b.jpg[/img]
  12. What I have now. A Slik ball head, A Manfrotto ball head tri pod and a Joby mini tri pod. The manfrotto is the heaviest, maybe four pounds or so. The Slick about half that much. Joby wasn't made for a 2.5 pound camera. Why does weight matter? because I go for week long hikes in National Parks. The first thing that comes to mind is carbon. Are they solid? Maybe carbon is best for day time photos at 1/30? Maybe not?
  13. If I had to guess at the answer. (Save up and get the Nikkor S line.) Some of the non Nikon Z mounts cost a lot less than the Nikkor lenses. Are they worth owning? I just ordered an Rokinon 14mm F2.8 Full Frame Ultra Wide Angle z mount. Just about $2,000 less than the Nikkor 14 - 24. Next week I'll find out if I like it. Are any of the non nikon z mount lenses any good?
  14. These are a couple of my first efforts with the in camera multiple photo settings. I admit I haven't got it figured out yet. I only am only posting them in hopes of getting some lens advice. I expect to pursue this style of photo and get it figured out after a while. These from Z5 with an 24 200 f4 - f6. That's the most camera I could pay for at one time.
  15. I finally got a fx camera. z5. For the next years I will be slowly accumulating lenses. Maybe even get a 60 mega pixel z in a few years? As I grow old I will be spending a lot of time in National Parks. I am going to post a couple of pictures from my rx100. As a basic idea of what I kind of pictures I am trying to figure out..
  16. The difference in price, oh, about $2,000. If I want the Nikkor, I most likely will have to wait until next summer. The Samyang I can buy next week, maybe $300 to $500. The question is. Is the Samyang worth owning? The no autofocus might not be a problem. I am attempting to figure out astrophotography, (not as easy as it sounds.) I see my self sitting in Yellowstone Park taking long exposures of the Norris geyser basin, or figuring out how to combine photos into one.
  17. Gents, and ladies, Thanks. I've been hiking in Olympic national Park since I started this thread. I recommend the Olympic Wilderness Coast. 78 Miles of untouched beach. The answer I zeroed in on was the Z7 possibly being a better bargain. The two things on my mind are. If I can resume travel to places like Guatemala and Colombia, where theft and violent crime is far more common, do I want the most expensive camera body? If I buy the Z5 I can also buy the Z 14-24mm f/2.8 S . If I buy the Z7 I'm going to have to choose a Z 24-50mm f/4-6.3 or some other inexpensive lens. I thought long and hard for a few years. I decided Nikon Mirrorless was what I wanted. Then covid came along and cut into my income for 2 years. My guess is that someone will have a labor Day sale and I can start a collection that will be my companion as I grow old and enjoy our National Parks. In a virus free world, I will also visit Central and South America in the winter months. Out of all the Z lenses, which would be the best for portraits? Somewhere I read that 85mm was a good choice.
  18. If I buy the Z5 I get a couple of nice lenses. If I buy the Z7ii I get a single inexpensive lens. Z6ii is in the middle. If I understand this correctly, Z7ii and Z6ii have can combine multiple shoots in camera to make star trail shots, Z5 cannot. Z5 has 30 second max shoot and Z6ii and Z7ii have 900 second max shoot timers. Can you see where my interest is? Is there much difference between the prints from a Z 5 and a Z6ii? at say 20 x 30 inches? I will be photographing National Parks. An example would be climbing the hill near Norris geyser basin and trying to catch a long night shot with Steamboat erupting. I don't care about rapid frames per second or sports. I'm going to be in Oregon, (where there is no sales tax,) on labor day. If anybody knows where a careful shopper might find a a Nikon store with a sale going on? Long exposure prints that can be 10 to 30 inches tall, is what my main interest is. Nikon has a video about star trail made in camera by combining multiple shots, but only with the more expensive models.
  19. I got that book from a mild mannered librarian. I posted about it without reading anything more than the title. I do not share their beliefs. Ansel Adams called the author the anti christ.
  20. The president of Guatemala said "We have made the decision that citizens of the United States and Canada cannot enter the country," Giammattei said " It is not clear if this is just the airport or at the land border also. Might have to wait a while. I found a book called, The Command To Look. A master photographers method for controlling the human gaze. Which seems to be along the line of what joe is trying to get me to learn.
  21. Joe, I want to thank you for your patience over the last couple of pages. I may be away from computers for a little while. It is almost time to go back to Guatemala. Few tourists even go to the little mt village I am headed for. If Rodeo Joe helped me learn something, this years photos will be a little better. Patience is in order. In other news. The Chulvista library and the San Diego Library are closed for the next 30 days. This time next week I might be sitting on a chicken bus. My seat might be a 50 kilo bag of rice¿ A chicken bus is most often a retired school bus from the US. Painted in many colors. I once had to hide a live chicken in my bag for a girl. The conductor told her they did not allow chickens and tourists on the same bus.
  22. A quote from general data protection regulation. (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union Consent must be a specific, freely-given, plainly-worded, and unambiguous affirmation. This quote is here to show that typing is not a wate of time. A few people try to learn something now and then. Typing is not a wate of time. At least not this time. I have spent little time on portraits. I have much to learn. Post production Is what I will be looking into in the near future. In the late 90s I took 2 photo shop classes. Because I had something to sell at the local craft market. V6.0 was new back then. I have done little with post production since then. Slowly I have grown more attached to my camera. They slowly get a little nicer, more expensive. Full frame is for the first time in the near future. The balloons, to me, seem better than clouds or buildings with faded paint, the backrounds in many of the other photos from that day. My rx100v has 3x optical zoom, and there are few places on a parade route to be elevated above the people. I moved a lot of times searching for a better backround. Percapata, Guatemala seems to have the most inexpensive toys for sale. (I thought the balloons fit in.) I wanted to guess that someone would say the white shirt made the rest of the photo to dark. Example: I know a lady that sends a truck to Guatemala to bring fabric back to her store in the US. She fills it with donated toys for the return trip. They are sold for a quetzal, about 15 cents each. Good or bad picture, I attempted to do more than just click away. I will find some better tools than just a black paintbrush, soon.
  23. Publication could mean anything. From selling, to this web page. As far as the Mayan people. They are more interested in permission than copyright. I watched them smash a German girl's $700 Iphone for taking a picture of the cutest little girl after the girl said no. I took no for an answer and just finished eating lunch. How much they can trust you seems to have a lot to do with how much they like you. I must value their friendship. Cold hearted me seldom worries about posting a photo Could be the first time I had concern over the morality of posting a photo. Please note; while I was taking the photo with the distracting blue bag, her mother was making coffee for me. I am not sneaking around. As far as parades go, do you need permission? Is there even a way to get permission? If I hurry, I can get back to Guatemala before they close the border.
  24. I think he is saying to stop being so lazy and try harder.
  25. Post processing is a powerful tool. and something I do very little of. I thought the ancient rocking chair which appears to be made only with hand tools and the earth floor of the house should be part of the picture. They are teaching me to speak Ixil as I teach them a little English. Their school teacher said they want to learn English all of a sudden. Seems at school they have no interest in the subject. Seems I need to show some interest in photo shop. If was to learn how to say, could you move the blue bag out of the photo in Spanish or Ixil surely they would. I tried but was unable to explain what I wanted. Thanks for the lesson. Seems the little Mayan girls make me want to learn something, sort of the same way I made them want to learn something?
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