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Everything posted by pasha-X

  1. Most confusing for me is that I get different levels of sharpness for different pinhole sizes. Turned the bedroom into a camera obscura using sheets of aluminum foil and gaffer's tape. Punched a small hole with a pencil. Intercepted the beam of light with a piece of trans-lum. The image on, what amounts to, the "ground glass" changed sharpness depending on the distance to the pinhole. Therefore, I've empirically demonstrated that there is an "ideal" distance. The big question is: how to determine it using maths? I've run out of time for a big project and would like to have the sharpest possible images (yes, lol, I know I'm talking pinhole, still...). I know I'm grabbing at straws here but would be grateful for any help. Thanks in advance. Aloha
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