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Posts posted by rws

  1. I recently tried to upgrade to premium but ran into some confusion. The payment page gave an error when I centered my credit card info. I tried twice with one card and once with another. Each attempt produced an error message saying that there was a problem in processing the card. In a while I looked at my account page and to my surprise I found that I am now a premium member (which is what I wanted, of course) and that my account would be up for renewal in 2025. Apparently I received three years of premium membership.


    I checked my credit card accounts and found that I was charged once on the first card that I used but not on the second. It seems like a must have bought a year's subscription each time I entered my card info (twice on card 1 and once on card 2) even that the payment page suggested that my payments didn't go through. Is this what happened?


    I'll keep checking my credit card accounts and if I bought a year's subscription for three years, that's fine. I would like ot be sure what is going on, though. And if for some unforeseen reason I should decide to cancel my second and/or third year of premium subscription, will it be possible to get a refund for those? Again, there's no need to do that now -- I'm happy having three years of premium. I'd like to find out what happened here, though. Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide

  2. I made two errors in my New User Introduction post -- for rws, posted earlier today. 1) I would like to have the title in bold, but after having created the thread couldn;t figure out how to make this edit. 2) My photo at the left of this post has two parts, the main photo and then a smaller replication of the image in the lower right corner of the main photo. I have no idead how I did this, but if possible would like to have the second smaller image removed to be more in line with the other user posts here.


    I've been using photo.net off and on for a whole, mainly to store a small portfolio (which I hope to expand in coming months). I haven't posted to any of the forms yet, but would like to become more involved in the photo.net forums as well.


    Thanks for any help -- rws

  3. A photographer since the early 1970s, starting with my own BW darkroom and continuing through a lot of color slide photography and later the many dimensions of digital imaging, Now mainly use Nikon gear and print my own work, but I have over a dozen cameras of various makes and models and still love them all. I've been lurking on this site for many years but have finally decided to start participating a little more frequently.
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