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Nikon Mister

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Posts posted by Nikon Mister

  1. I am testing using carriage returns to separate paragraphs, but I think you mean hit three returns. I am testing using carriage returns to separate paragraphs, but I think you mean hit three returns. I am testing using carriage returns to separate paragraphs, but I think you mean hit three returns. I am testing using carriage returns to separate paragraphs, but I think you mean hit three returns. break here <br><br>I am testing using carriage returns to separate paragraphs, but I think you mean hit three returns. I am testing using carriage returns to separate paragraphs, but I think you mean hit three returns. I am testing using carriage returns to separate paragraphs, but I think you mean hit three returns.
  2. The trouble is the redirect arrow does not redirect, it does nothing. It took me a while to find that the thread was moved to the Photo.net Help forum. I assume this thread will go there too. It also looks like Kohanmike has not posted recently, I wonder he he gave up. I'm new and find that this Photo.net forum interface to be very problematic with lots of unfinished operations. I can't upload an avatar, which I posted in the Help forum but it's not there now.
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