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Everything posted by shanna_williams

  1. <p>I'm doing product photography. Is there a way to help stop the reflection in glass or plastic. The light is being reflect or my shadow into the object. Is there a way to prevent this?</p>
  2. <p>I wanted to start selling on ebay but my pictures are not going to well. I have a canon sx520 hs camera I bought. I was trying to photoshop this picture but I'm having problems with the see through part which is at the bottom of dress. Not sure how to make the see through part clear in photoshop. Second question, I wanted to know what would be the best settings for taking product photography. Someone told me I don't have enough digital information in picture to properly edit picture. Do I need a better camera? I put the settings on camera to f8 while set on AV. The ISO is set for me on this setting. F8 is the highest it will go. Should I get another camera or is this one ok? It seems like I don't get a lot of detail in my images. I'm going to start taking pictures in living room to get better shots but my space is limited. First time taking clothing photos. </p> <p><img src="http://static.photo.net/attachments/bboard/00e/00eGDq-566711784.jpg" border="0" alt="Untitled" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
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