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Posts posted by moon_mullins1

  1. My answer to the above specs and with budget in mind would be a Nikon D200 or a D300. KEH in Atlanta usually has

    these and more available at $300US or in the case of the D200 much less. Both do everything I ask of them though I

    do have some costlier gear as well. I recommend Nikon because it's what I use but very good Canon gear is also

    available and affordable, other brands as well. KEH is very reputable and stands behind what they sell.

  2. I've used Tri-X for years in both 35mm and medium formats and while it does a lot of things well it is not my first

    choice for portraits. FP-4 would be a good choice in D-76 and T-Max 100 is excellent. As for exposure that depends

    on your lighting but for portraits I'd aim for f/8 or f/11 giving good depth in what is often the sweet spot for many

    lenses. I don't know what format you are shooting but for 6x6 or 6x7 something in the 150-180 mm will be good. For

    35mm I would say either an 85 or a 105/2.5 Nikkormat, a superb portrait lens. Some experimenting will be required,

    quite a bit honestly but you will find what you like.

  3. I've been working at photography 45years give or take and it has never been a better time technically to be involved. I

    took up digital when a 6mp camera was a big deal. I'm 2 or 3 generations out of date now and while I can't abandon

    digital I find it dull and less demanding. The result is that I've bought an entire set of darkroom gear and am going back

    to film more often. I have my C-41 film done locally but Tri-X and it's cousins are calling out. These days I am much

    more likely to be shooting film and leaving digital in the bag. As I write this I'm taking time away at the Gulf Coast and

    while I brought a digital I also brought an F4s, an N90s and an ancient Nikkormat Ft2. I take time, compose, think and

    sometimes walk away. Much of what I enjoy in photography is part of a process that I don't find on a computer so to

    the original post, enjoy film and hold on to a decent digital body or two. It will make itself clear as you go.

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