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Everything posted by jessica_pulecio

  1. <p>Hi I'n new to the forum but I need help. I just recently shot a wedding reception and I thought I had all the settings and I used my Nikon D5200 35mm 1.8g prime lens for low light. I shot roughly around a 2.8-5 aperture due to the amount of people in a group. Iso was high around 800 and 1200 which I know is bad with noise but I didn't have a flash because it overheated during the first hour so I used a light scoop since the ceiling was low. Back to my problem. On this photo I was focusing on the group of girls always trying to focus on the eye and thought the photo came out in focus but when I looked at it in light room I noticed the back was in focus and the front was out of focus. I know I focused on the girls but no mater how close of far I was I keep getting this issue. During the whole time the shots were not focusing right. I even tried the back button focus that is supposed to help. I tried lowering the noise and putting the photo in B&W and raising clarity and contrast but is this an acceptable photo to provide to the client? I really need to know what I can do so this doesn't happen again. Any ideas if this is a sensor issue and I might need to upgrade my body or would this be a user issue. I had over 1000 photos and came out with about 200 keepers. I want to prevent this from occurring again. I've tried different settings in manual and A mode but don't understand why the background in in complete focus and the foreground that I am focusing on is not and also a bit grainy.</p> <p> <a href=" src="/bboard/<a%20data-flickr-embed="true"%20%20href="https:/www.flickr.com/photos/puleciophotography/30023215532/in/datetaken/"%20title="DSC_0436w"><img%20src="https:/c5.staticflickr.com/6/5116/30023215532_2a6fd8f33c_k.jpg"%20width="2048"%20height="1365"%20alt="DSC_0436w"></a><script%20async%20src="/embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js"%20charset="utf-8"></script>" alt="" /></a></p>
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