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Everything posted by reallife

  1. <p>As a fairly new photographer I've been buying photograph magazines in order to improve my shots. Have to say I've always been disappointed. Even the mags that claim to be for amateurs have photographers in exotic locations using equipment that is out of reach for most for most of us. And my pet hate Photoshop is used so much its more like looking at computer graphic mag. What do others think about photography magazines. Keith </p>
  2. reallife


    Great shot Jim. Pity you haven't told us the name of the church and where it is.
  3. reallife


    Added it to my favourites its so good. You have cultivated my interest in Street even more.
  4. reallife


    Lots of nude shots seem to be black and white. It does work sometimes but usually I feel it takes away from the shot esp if the model has good skin tones. If this were black and white I think the model would have disappeared into the background. Its good as it is and strangely erotic.
  5. reallife


    Nice pose and expression. Also like the sparse background which means eyes are focused on the model with nothing to distract. Only thing I don't like is the high heels. But then I dislike high heels in any situation.
  6. reallife

    IMG_0047BU copia

    Lovely skin tones and accusing eyes. Always enchanting to have a nude female who is not actually showing anything.
  7. reallife

    Woman on Chaise

    Clever and unusual pose. Glad you've kept the shot so basic nothing else needed except the chaise, model and plain background. Love it.
  8. If anyone's not sure what is meant by the term 'tasteful art nude' take a look at this as an example.
  9. Dark and dangerous. You have managed to add an element of fear to the shot. Really good.
  10. <p>I feel the same way as you Andrea, but just keep reading and practising and bit by bit</p> <p>I'm in the same position as you Andrea but keep reading and practising and little by little things become clearer. Must feel like a massive responsibility taking wedding photographs. Keith</p> <p> </p>
  11. reallife

    looking for images..

    Perhaps she's a street photographer looking for someone interesting to shoot. Are you sure she didn't have you in mind as a subject John?
  12. reallife


    Would have been better if the model was completely nude rather than wearing little bits of clothing here and there. I have looked at your portfolio and the lighting is good on your other models but seems a bit strange here. Not too keen on the pose either makes her head look bigger than her body. But I'm a newby what do I know.
  13. reallife


    I agree its like a movie still. Could easily write a short story based on it. 'She's Leaving Home.'
  14. reallife

    icecream for the bride

    You captured a lovely smile here and the ice cream lends a look of innocence. I love what you've done with the background. We are able to see it but because of the slight blur its not distracting.
  15. Many countries have no respect for animals. This horse is obviously being abused by being forced to pull loads that are too much for him. Owner probably has a whip ready in case the horse protests.
  16. reallife


    Captures the full horror of being homeless.
  17. Nice cool sultry shot. Great pose but spoiled for me by high heels. Bare feet would have been more appropriate.
  18. reallife


    I love these simple portraits that say so much in their simplicity.
  19. reallife

    Coastal architecture

    Love it Phil. Where is it please?
  20. Lovely smile. Its looks like she was smiling at something you said rather than it being a forced smile which of course is much better. For me the shot would have been improved if you had cropped the right hand side more.
  21. Good colour contrast and I like how the branches seem to be protecting the building.
  22. I'm a new photographer so don't feel I can supply an in depth analysis but what I can say is that I found the shot very interesting, it grabs the attention. Added it to my favourites. Keith
  23. reallife


    Always fascinating to realise that there are many worlds out there that we know little or nothing about.
  24. reallife

    Mallard Pair

    Great clarity and focus in the shot. I feel as though I am actually there at the side of these two magnificent birds.
  25. What a great effect. Can't tell if the water is dripping or if you've frozen it in time. The blurred background is equally impressive. Well done.
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