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Everything posted by tony_britton2

  1. Here's a few recent favorites. Great Blue Heron Snowy Egret Black-crowned Night Heron (juvenile)
  2. 1. Eye In The Sky 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. illuminated
  3. Yes. Objects really look great against the black background. Tony
  4. Here's a collection of my favorite close-up / macro shots featuring the use of black foam core board. A tabletop project like this is all the interplay of light & shadow. Seashells are currently my favorite subjects to use with the black foam core board and side-lighting is essential in creating the desired pockets of light & shadow. I hope you enjoy them! Tony 1. 2. 3. Additional use of mirror, of course! 4. illuminated. Light source placed underneath shell. 5. 6.
  5. Wild, hand-held, no cropping.
  6. This set especially celebrates the effect side-lighting has on an image, therefore, early morning or late afternoon sunlight works best. All images I post here were taken in the wild, hand-held, and have not been cropped.
  7. Technically and artistically wonderful. Tony
  8. Certainly no limit here. This is a wonderful photo! Tony
  9. Hi Mary. Great shot! When I originally posted this thread I included 5 photos along with an introduction. The text and photos spilt so badly I decided to just post the Snowy Egret! Tony
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