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  1. <p>Thank you for all the responses! I actually didn't know you had to trim the film, but I think it's fine as it turns normally. I tried to get a shot of my kitten laying on my bed with a ray of sunlight going across her, and I did have to zoom out a lot. I hope it turns out fine. I just wanted to test this camera out since its not something you see everyday. I think its the oldest in the class lol.<br> <br />I did find a Kalimar KX5000 at a salvation army. I was able to get it for $10. Not sure if it works, but I have class tonight and will ask the instructor to check it out. If its broken, well then it still looks good for a collection! xD (Just checked it myself and it seems it might need a new battery first.)<br /><br />We are going to process our film today, which it will be my first time doing it. Hopefully the film turns out.</p>
  2. <p>Hey there,<br /><br />Im new to film photography and am taking a film class. My grandpa let me use his old camera, which I think is a Zorki 1e made in around 1955. I've been trying to find a in depth guide on how to use this camera correctly. I know a little bit about it, like how to advance the film and where the aperture is and how to shoot. But I don't know much. It seems that I also started the film at around 20 on the dial instead of 0, will it stop when it reaches back to 0? Do I have to take photos from a longer range? I wanted to take one of my kittens head and half of her body, but it didn't seem to let me focus it correctly with the viewfinders. <br> I will insert photos of the camera.<br> <br />Thank you for your time!<br> -Mika<br> <img src="https://i.gyazo.com/3444b85df4a534ca46749a8b087360e3.jpg" alt="" width="668" height="379" /><img src="https://i.gyazo.com/a7c0d1b271f9ef21ca7e4a016de05c26.jpg" alt="" width="668" height="384" /><img src="https://i.gyazo.com/c76e6f044af2a93336f7016ae007db7a.png" alt="" width="334" height="711" /></p>
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