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Posts posted by noah_smith1

  1. Hi everyone,


    I'm having an issue with a Bronica GS-1 I just purchased off ebay. The seller assured me everything worked properly but after testing out the camera, there is definitely a film advance issue happening.


    I've uploaded a video explaining the issue which was originally intended for the seller to view (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0tr4uh6Eyo&feature=youtu.be). Sorry if I seem a little annoyed - it has just been very frustrating trying to figure out what's happening.


    Basically, everytime I load the camera and try to advance the film, the counter on the film back is not moving correctly and it also feels like there is too much tension in the film when im moving it forward. I've tried advancing the film with the manual knob on top of the back, i've tried with the film winding crank, and with the speed grip and none of them have fixed the issue.


    Any help is much appreciated!

  2. <p>Hi Everyone, <br>

    Thanks so much for your willingness to help and give suggestions, very appreciated. <br>

    Today I am going to my local photo store to pick up some more D76 developer and here is how I am going to change my process of developing TMAX 400:</p>


    <li>D76 will be used as a one shot and also mixed 1:1. </li>

    <li>D76 will be at 68F along with Fixer and Perma Wash</li>

    <li>Water throughout the whole process will be distilled</li>


    <p>As for the actual steps during development, this is how I am thinking it will now be based on Kodak's suggestions using TMAX 400 120 film at 68F along with everyones comments on here. </p>


    <li>Pour 500ML of Developer and agitate for 1 MIN</li>

    <li>Put lid on and agitate for 10 SEC every 1 MIN and tap tank for 12:30 total.</li>

    <li>Discard Developer</li>

    <li>1 MIN wash in water and discard</li>

    <li>Pour 500 ML of Fixer</li>

    <li>Put lid on and agitate for 10 SEC every 1 MIN and tap tank for a total of 8 MIN</li>

    <li>1 MIN wash in water and then discard</li>

    <li>Pour Perma Wash and agitate for 1 MIN and discard</li>

    <li>Wash film for 3 MIN in water and the discard</li>

    <li>Add a drop of Ilfotol and agitate for 2 MIN and discard</li>




    <li>Does this look like I should come out with good results?</li>

    <li>Since I'm going to use distilled water now, instead of letting the water run into the tank for 3 min straight, can I just pour enough water to fill the tank and then agitate for 3 min?</li>

    <li>Also, my fixer has hardener in it - is that fine or should I buy some new fixer without hardener? </li>


    <p>Thanks everyone!</p>


  3. <p>Thanks for the suggestions everyone. It sounds like I am going to need distilled water as I really don't know what kind of minerals are coming out of my sink.<br>

    I think the main question I have now is, should I get rid of my D76 and mix a new batch of it? Do I also need to mix a new batch of Fixer? As mentioned before, I mixed all of the chemicals on 8/5/16 and I've developed 6 rolls of film so far. I just feel like a clean start with at least the D76 would be best. <br>

    After reading the igloo cooler method from Bill, it sounds like doing one shot with the developer is the best method. Should I mix the D76 to stock solution? Thanks again. </p>

  4. <p>Hi Glen,<br>

    I appreciate your response, very helpful - just had a few questions.</p>


    <li>Should I just put my containers of D76, Fixer, and Permawash in the refrigerator until they get to 75°F or lower?</li>

    <li>Would that be okay to have them in there to cool down? </li>

    <li>If so, would I also need the water to be the same temperature or would it be fine at 80°F?</li>

    <li>Are the rest of my processing times right for the fixer, permawash, and ilfotol?</li>

    <li>Is the order that I have the permawash and ilfotol correct?</li>


    <p>Thanks a lot!</p>

  5. <p>Sandy and John, I live in Charlotte, North Carolina and I'm not sure what kind of water we have. I appreciate the suggestions though. Should I be using kodak hypo clear at some point?<br>

    Brooks, I really appreciate the time and thought put into your response. I think this might be a little too complex and would require me buying some new chemicals. I'm essentially just wanting to work with what I have already and figure out a way to get better results. </p>


  6. <p>When using distilled water, would I need to get it down to 68°F or can it just be at room temperature? Also, when it comes to washing the film with water, would I just fill it to the top line and then agitate the film? I normally let the sink run for a full minute onto the film. Thanks. </p>
  7. <p>Hello,<br />I'm pretty new to developing black and white film so please bear with me, I really appreciate any help here. I've seen a few other posts that are similar to this but I still don't feel like I have gotten the answers I am looking for. Recently, I have been noticing a lot of grain and white spots all over the shadows of my film. I've attached three examples below which were shot on TMAX 400 120 film with my Pentacon Six Medium Format Camera. <br>

    <br />My sink will only produce water at 80°F (26.6°C) which is the temperature I have been processing my film at. I have mixed all of the chemicals below into a 1 GAL Delta Datatainer based on the directions each chemical came with. I mixed all of the chemicals on 8/5/16 and I've developed 5 rolls of film so far. <br>

    Here is a rundown of my chemicals used and the process from start to finish. Film is being processed in a Patterson tank.<br /><br /><strong>Chemicals Used</strong></p>


    <li>D76 Developer (stock solution) </li>

    <li>Kodak Rapid Fixer with Hardener</li>

    <li>Heico Perma Wash</li>

    <li>Ilford Ilfotol</li>


    <p><strong>Process <br /></strong></p>


    <li>Soak Film in water for 1 MINUTE and discard</li>

    <li>Pour Developer up to top line and agitate for 1 MIN</li>

    <li>Put lid on and agitate for 10 SEC every 1 MIN and tap tank for 6:00 total.</li>

    <li>Pour Developer back into container</li>

    <li>1 MIN wash in water and discard</li>

    <li>Pour Fixer to top line</li>

    <li>Put lid on and agitate for 10 SEC every 1 MIN and tap tank for a total of 8 MIN</li>

    <li>1 MIN wash in water and then discard</li>

    <li>Pour Perma Wash and agitate for 1 MIN and discard</li>

    <li>Wash film for 1 MIN in water and the discard</li>

    <li>Add a drop of Ilfotol and agitate for 2 MIN and discard</li>


    <p>That's my whole process and I just want to make sure if there is anything I am doing wrong. I'm guessing the suggestions will be doing a higher concentrated dilution but I am really terrible with chemistry so any help is much appreciated.<br>





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