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  1. <p>Hey Tim or Igor , do you think you can edit my original file ( I can send you the raw file) so it looke like the one in the link ?<br /><br />Or is this too much to ask , my apologies.<br> https://www.facebook.com/NewKoncept/photos/ms.c.eJxFlVuOBSEIRHc0UVQe~_9~;Y2FUW96eTEwpEQDq3jQofdk7MWH~;5sfsps1Vri~;NkjVNJDotPb8PJJ~_rjdZ7~_5CSbeHz~_ntJn3vh7zPm4aA9vhv9e4gSvI~_Z5yu~;aEW~_8eD4c8Xw0Q2~;xeA7cL0t8oD~;yn7jfmi8fN~_pDelvQK7~;LtLee~_Y6Xry~;WY1gz~;FfbA~;7edtzPajdD3~;lvxLeU~;~_H525uhn8rvsB5T9WC~;7ddv3m~;pfm5knefstyt~_OOdB8SLAXc9I~_Jvqmcyv63m~;X7xdzfTX~;RP3PaHzOR~_n61vMd8i~;mN9qu9O~_2g5~;f~;oYhzybP32q3jGc~;PxjLsS30Qy75vky4p3WF~_3SG~;NXfy4jnvpzOwl9zGbol94b~_3~;U~;9iYp1kmZnxT~;EOezdSrvpdx3lZ8xzwezWuw~;6n~_R6DeaapfQL9LevZz7rYP2r3t4D4~;D~;U6v~_iv~_YtCPbfm8zLO177JgfxD~_yjHIFfb4e9HjPrt8~_6Tk~;kdb4a~;5jeN~;lv~_E~_9xzt128rtPLvprvnIZ7NpHuZivK9~_F~;m4Tb8zD0Lwl~_7nVz9yY3z2rGfr82RFf~_zYP9Xofyfe~;9f4zUO879Y8d834XajPsHs2M1~;7oR3R~_gf4uzWOmMb7un6jn0r7KZD2m7p~;YZ6Prnbyf3stl6hW~;mJ~;mM~;n~_h95~;8v2H3v~;9nXx818Djyfy0n75R~_PLT~;v1GF~;ojLvKQP~;L3TDHqs47s6KeX~_ll872P~_GHrdr4znb52~;qO~;8OV~_u~_arl5LYzP~_~;z8X6Wyb6Zn7Ud87E0T4X94KX3WQf70Peb91tu2LWfrp3~_zUm9mPvk~;v~;~_AeOutk0~-.bps.a.842095779224022.1073741863.594160050684264/842096685890598/?type=3&theater</p> <p> </p>
  2. <p>Thanks for the advice.<br> Yes this is a picture I took at a wedding reception.</p> <p>Sorry for the previous post , I will work with links now , I'm new to this forum.</p>
  3. <p>I tried the magenta tip and luminosity on one of my pictures , but I think I can conclude that this isn't possible for lightroom ?</p> <p>The original picture : <img src="https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1064x709q90/923/rmpFHw.jpg" alt="" width="1064" height="709" /><br /><br />Lightroom :<img src="https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1064x709q90/922/S0xHRH.jpg" alt="" width="1064" height="709" /></p>
  4. <p>Thanks for the answers !<br /><br />So this style is hard to achieve just in lightroom ? </p>
  5. <p>So I should use split toning for the magneta in the shadows and yellow in the highlights ?<br />And then use my luminosity panel for the orange ?<br /><br />Tried different things but it's not easy at all , or maybe I can't find the pefect balance in my split toning....</p>
  6. <p>Hello ,<br /><br />I came across these pictures and I really like the editing style. They all got a "chocolate tone" , it's hard to describe. I tried obtaining this effect with lightroom ( i'm not a beginner) . Does anyone got any tips how to achieve this look ? Especially the shadows are very brown , also the lips aren't really saturated ( that I don't like).<br /><br />Please help ,<br /><br />Thank you very much for your time.<br> <br>
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