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Everything posted by kay_brown1

  1. <p>Thank you all for your responses and advice. Just after I made my first post, I signed up for a free seminar that offers opportunities for women who want to start their own business. The seminar belongs to a long established agency in a city about 50 miles from me, and the seminar is just a starting point as to see whether one is ready to start a business and is willing to go through the training the center offers. <br /><br />I cannot go back to community college, though. That ship has sailed. I was so burned out after four years of it and felt like I was getting nowhere. I did take a business class while in community college and learned absolutely nothing from it. It took everything I had just to stay awake in that class. <br> I did read the article "Nobody cares about your photography". And yes, it's a saturated market and it has changed considerably since digital technology. I am already going through the 'starving artist' phase. That's what I want to get out of. Wedding photography is out of the question. A few years ago I reluctantly tagged along with my cousin who is an amateur wedding photography that charges pro prices. It was a 9 hour day. At the end of the night my cousin asked me, "So, would you ever want to become a wedding photographer?" I know I threw some expletives her way in my usual, blunt manner. <br /><br />I have done concert photography before and absolutely loved it, but have no idea how to make a living doing it. These days, with everyone whipping out their iPhones and photographing everything at concerts, there seems to be no need for concert photographers anymore except for those great backstage scenes. I wouldn't mind doing Senior portraits, but again, I have no idea how to start. I have no studio. <br /><br />I live under the poverty level, and that's not figuratively speaking. And I don't know what path I see myself taking. I'm so used to just barely surviving, that the idea of 'thriving' seems like a very long reach, if not impossible. Still, I'm taking baby steps in the right direction by going to the "Opportunities for Women" seminar. It will get me back in the city and hopefully in a supportive environment that I really need right now. </p>
  2. <p>Hello from Michigan, USA. <br /><br />I am a middle aged former college student who majored in photography from 2009-2013. Though I was taught photography skills in both digital and film, and learned the history of photography, I was never taught the business side of photography. Many colleges seem to leave out that important detail. So here I am, in student loan debt, and photography is basically a hobby. I've only been paid a few times, but I shoot mostly events like outdoor concert venues, swing dancing, local car shows, anything that interests me. I've done a few photo sessions, but twice as a tag-a-long for the experience, and a few portrait freebies as a part of a student project. <br /><br />I just can't seem to get myself launched into business mode. This is my first time on Photo.net and I'm hoping to learn about the business side of photography, but often in cases like mine, it's nicer to have an actual mentor to work with. Unfortunately, I live in a very small town and have limited options. <br /><br />I would like to start doing portrait photography, because from what I've heard, that's the only way to pay the bills. I'm pretty relaxed around people and and starting to feel confident enough on how to 'direct' them in a photo shoot, I just don't know how to handle the business side of it. In fact, that's the bane of my existence. I have no idea where to start. </p>
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