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Everything posted by adron_n

  1. <p>Um... yea that's what I thought after I saw the price range for all those cameras ;)</p> <p>But it's ok, keep those suggestions coming :) I want to see what everyone has to recommend for my needs... even if it exceeds my budget ;)</p>
  2. <p>Thank you for all your feedback everyone :) It is very much appreciated!</p>
  3. <p>It's also the #2 that bothers me. Most camera have a 10 seconds timer for 1 shot or 10 seconds timer for 3 shots. I need to be able to get better configurations and flexibility than that. </p>
  4. <p>The images are not for sale ;) They are entirely for fun and personal use.</p>
  5. Hi everyone, <p>I need advice on buying a new camera with specific properties:<br> 1. Can do great shots for interior action sports : example: judo, wrestling, boxing, martial arts -- the action shots should not be blurry because both the person holding the camera moved a bit or because the person being photographed moved to quickly<br> 2. Can be configured to take timer automatic unlimited shots between 1-30 seconds and will not stop until you tell it to stop. (For example, I want to leave the camera on a tripod unattended and not have to touch it and I want the camera to take a picture every 5 seconds until I ask it to stop)<br> 3. Can also do good HD video recording (720 or 1080p)<br> 4. I don't care about extra lenses.<br> 5. Ideally, my budget is 500$ to 1,000$.. but I can maybe stretch up to 1,500$<br> What do you guys recommend?</p> <p>Thank you in advance :)<br> Adron</p>
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