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Everything posted by rachel_d3

  1. Stephen, you are mostly right about that assessment! Though I think it is important to note that I am currently majoring in Environmental studies, so African safaris may not be too far off. However, I do think you're correct in that a 300 mm would do the trick for me. What about something like the Tamron 70-300mm f/4 lens? It has macro abilities as well as distance and I think something like that might work for me, though it is an older model. Are there any other similar lenses you guys would reccomend?
  2. Again thanks to everyone for all of the responses! I have just begun to use the T3, and I've already learned so much from this wonderful community! but I am overwhelmed with all the different options! Please keep in mind that I am not looking to spend a fortune on a lens, I just need something that will achieve my desired everyday use. Since I am just beginning to use my T3, I'm not currently looking for a professional grade lens. But I am looking for something that I would be able to use to take distance shots as well as closer ones. I can't say for sure the exact distance I'd need to be able to shoot (since it obviously varies based on the occasion) but I would like to be able to capture animals in a zoo, or the places I encounter while travelling for example. The bottom line is that I purchased my T3 in hopes of improving my photography skills. The Canon Powershot sx170 simply did not perform to my liking, and the zoom ability was poor. That being said, my ultimate goal is to purchase a lens that will perform better than my old digital camera was able to, yet still be within a reasonably low price range. Ideally, I would like an easy to use lens that would work with all different kinds of situations. I have noticed that many of the greater distance lenses may not be good for closer shots, so help with finding a lens that balances out all my needs is greatly appreciated!
  3. Thank you all so much! I have looked into the options you have suggested so far, and I'm really liking the Tamron 18-200 and the canon EF-S 55-250 for both the price and quality. With these lenses, I would be looking to use them for everyday use, which is why I might even be leaning more towards something like the Tamron since it is able to capture both far and close subjects. I do a lot of traveling, so I would need something that I could use for almost every occasion, whether it be buildings, people, moving wildlife, or anything else I come across. My question then would be, would I really miss the extra 50 mm the Canon lens gives me? Would the Canon lens be able to capture closer subjects as well? And would the Tamron lens be good in achieving the level of zoom and image clarity I would need to top my previous Powershot? (Keep in mind I only used the zoom on the Powershot to about half of its claimed abilities due to the digital zoom being grainy)
  4. Thank you everyone! I'll give the other lenses some research too in the morning! I may have more questions then :)
  5. Wow thank you so much! You have been extremely helpful and I really appreciate it. the wildlife I like to capture varies from insects to elephants and anything in between, with the distance varying as well. I will deffintely look into the lenses you've listed above!
  6. My previous camera was a Canon Powershot sx170. It's a good digital camera, but the clarity was often poor and I had to be in the exact right conditions in order for a photo to turn out how I wanted it. Using the max zoom on that camera would result in a grainy, unclear photo. So I would only usually zoom on the Powershot to about half of its abilities. That's the main reason I decided to switch to the T3, so that I have more options to switch the settings to my needs. I understand the prices of telephoto lenses can be quite pricy, but I'm not looking for anything professional. Just something that can achieve sharp images from several feet away. I plan on taking a trip to Panama in the next year, so I need something that will be able to capture the wildlife and culture. What would you suggest that's not too pricey but would still perform well for my needs?
  7. Thanks for the reply! With a little more toying around, I've found that the kit lens is pretty accurate in capturing for my basic needs, but it still isn't as great with zoom as my old digital camera. Ideally, I would like a lens that has a great ability to zoom, produces clear photos, and is able to focus quickly. I would be using it to capture distant wildlife and other potentially difficult subjects. I've looked into some such as the Canon EF 75-300mm, but I'm not sure. So, if anyone has some suggestions for other lenses, that would be great!
  8. Hello, I am pretty new to the DSLR world and I have just purchased a canon EOS rebel t3. It came with the 18-55 mm lens, and so far I am not impressed by its performance. I'm not sure if I'm not using it to its full ability, but it seems to have a very poor zoom range! Can anyone give me any tips on how to get the most out of this lens, or point me in the right direction for others with better zoom range? I am into taking nature shots so I was hopin to have good clarity and zoom
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