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Image Comments posted by Hylle

    Emergent Form

    I'm not a big fan of the frame, as I think it steels to much attention. But I definitely like your texture and the way the artifact emerges from the scratched surface. An abstract yes, but an abstract that piques my curiosity and imagination.
  1. Hej Tommy. Een ting er det smukke træ i sig selv. Men jeg overvældes/overraskes endnu mere af det helt fantastiske perspektiv som træet qua sin størrelse og placering i billedet skaber i det bagvedliggende landskab. Det er ret vildt! Den nænsomme S/H konvertering fungerer også godt og jeg tror at det i høj grad skyldes de 3 dominerende kornbælter til venstre. Det er flot. /Lars

    Hi. I like the strict composition and the strong colorful contrasts which correspond so elegantly. Great work. /Lars


    A beautiful light and and a very, very fine capture of the water and waves. I can't see the exif data for aperture and shutter but I like the choice you have made - not exaggerating long exposure. One thing I could suggest: just go a little closer, crop away some space from the bottom and from right hand side accordingly and hence remove the tip of the stone and some empty space. Regards Lars

    bus stop

    I like this little masterpiece with the blurry atmosphere. Time stands still at the Bus stop and there is a fine reference between the massive post and the standing figure on one side and the low building and the sitting figure on the other side. Perfect focus as well. Regards Lars

    Hi Michail. I admire this one with all the rectangles, squares and lines, some black some white and the old black lady surrounded with her chubby jars in peaceful and silent atmosphere. Beautiful composure and well seen. Regards Lars


    Thank you, you good people, for your rich and supportive comments. They mean a lot to me and inspire me to practice and practice and become better, eventually. This photograph was taken last winter with my brand new Fujifilm X100T on a tripod. A great little camera with a splendid lens and color rendering.

    Ms. M


    Hi Bjorn.

    This is a very intrusive photograph and I feel somehow bound to find an explanation as to the pose, the staring gaze and the entire staging of this lady. I can't figure out what and I can't read the signs on her arm, but anyways, I just want to say that this photograph makes me feel a little uneasy. Stored as favorite. Regards Lars

  2. Hi Lonnie.

    Of the two beautiful Lilies I favor this one. I think it is because of the more soft expression which gives the flower and its fineness full credit. I think you have made an outstanding presentation of this Lily in B&W and it reminds me of the flowers by Imogene Cunningham. Regards Lars

  3. Hi Chris and Tommy.

    Thank you for your very motivating and inspiring comments. Actually, at a closer look I see some greenish in the tone, which I'm not happy with myself. At home I have made a new version, which is a little more to pure sepia.

  4. Hi Tommy.

    I agree, an exciting minimalist picture.

    I like the experimental and exploratory approach to the light and the fine transition of the tones and also that you let the sea show by using a relatively fast shutter. When looking at the picture from distance though, I feel a little disturbed by the vignette. Regards Lars

    The black Lady


    Thanx Lannie for your comment.

    I just got a short glimpse of this mysterious and stately lady as she turned a corner and I 'chased' her through a couple of streets until I finally got a good shot. She never stopped, turned her head or anything - just strolled the streets in her long black jacket. /Lars

  5. The story told here is quit obvious but I like the sense of wind in the upper leaves, the beautiful warm tone and the fine natural framing.

    An image that makes me feel good.

    The natural framing could be accentuated by cropping a little tighter to the rigth and to the left - imo. /Cheers Lars


    Very beautiful colors indeed in a lighting that resembles stage lighting with the beams coming down in the front. Great composition. Bringing new life to an old and popular motive. Admire. Regards Lars

    Island of trees


    Hej Tommy.

    Det er et ualmindelig smukt billede med den fine, fine fordeling af gråtoner og med overgange, der skaber en stor dynamik i billedet. Jeg er meget begejstret for dine enkle og 'hverdags-agtige' landskaber. En stor inspiration. Mvh Lars

  6. Hej Michael.

    Af de to versioner foretrækker jeg denne, idet Karen's røde kjole står i en skarp kontrast til Jan og Jacob og trækker hende frem i billedet, mens hun i S/H versionen forsvinder lidt ind i billedet.

    Men ellers en kanon god opstilling af 'De 14 Astronauter' og en flot komposition.

    Mvh Lars /Køge

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