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Everything posted by justin_ng1

  1. I want one, but I won't be able to use it when I'm using an external viewfinder
  2. Quite hard to find tbh, gonna see if developing less + less agitation would do the work
  3. Eh, gonna stick with what I have. Gonna try developing for a bit shorter, hope it'll make the photos less contrasty, will it?
  4. Oh I like tessars, never knew the i-26m is a copy of that! Thanks :)
  5. Yea that's true :) Thanks for the info! Gonna have a look at some cheap summars
  6. Any more opinions? What about the soft filter? I actually used a sheet of PVC food wrap before
  7. True, thanks for your opinion :) But the problem is that I don't want to sell either of my lenses! Especially the cron since it's special to me
  8. Is there? I heard about them but never researched in them, thanks for reminding me :)
  9. Yea the xenon is soft too, but the hood is just too damn expensive! Still can't decide if I should keep both of my lenses or not
  10. Yea, the summar is the softest. Not sure if the elmar is tho, my coated one was contrast (sold it). Should I get a summar? I feel bad about selling my cron tho.. I really do
  11. Non-contrast and non-sharp 35 and 50 ltm lenses I know this is annoying... But I'm just curious on which ones are non-contrasty and non-sharp for street. Here's what I have : Summaron 35/3.5 - people say you can't beat it for street Collapsible summicron 50/2 (radioactive) - such a special lens to me Should I just stick with what I have? Thanks
  12. Thanks guys :) Sounds like I should keep my cron? It's a special lens to me, and I have a feeling I will regret selling it
  13. Collapsible Summicron vs summitar vs summar for non-contrast and non-sharpness I currently have a radioactive collapsible cron
  14. One of my recent shot with a Rolleiflex K4A Delta 100 20º 8min
  15. Should I sell my Voigtlander Color Skopar 21/4 and get a Voigtlander 15/4.5 I live in Hong Kong, where there's a lot of people on the streets. It's dense but has a lot of details, so should I go with a 15 or a fisheye? A 12mm is a bit too expensive for me. If you recommend a 12mm, I will need to sell my canon 50/1.2 and my Voigtlander 21/4 I really want to sell my canon 50/1.2 LTM, message me if you are interested http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif
  16. Well I just got it.. Ha! Will see if I like having 2 bodies or not
  17. Yea, gonna see if I really like having 2 bodies or not
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