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  1. <p>Thanks for the help Edward.<br> The EOS adapter is an adapter to let you use the Hasselblad lenses on modern Canon EOS cameras. Which is a nice addition, since I do have a canon DSLR.</p> <p>I just told him I'll buy it. Hope he hasn't changed his mind. By the way, is there any way to verify that it has been serviced recently?</p>
  2. <p>Wow, just saw an interesting offer near where I live.<br /> <br />- Black Hasselblad 500 CM body<br /> - 2 Film backs<br /> - 50mm + 80mm + 250mm all CF lenses & all have hoods<br /> - WLF + 45 degree prism finder<br /> - Pistol grip<br /> - EOS adapter<br /> - Lunasix light meter<br /> - Aluminum carrying case</p> <p>Everything was serviced last year and not used much since. Everything for <strong>US$1130! </strong>(Price lowered after I talked to him). It's over my budget (around US$800), but I feel that I can sell the parts I don't want for almost that money and keep the rest.</p> <p>All lenses are the newer CF lenses + has been serviced recently, so I can avoid the issues mentioned by others above. This is so tempting. Should I do this?</p>
  3. <p>Thanks a lot for the useful answers.</p> <p>I called a local camera repair store (in Toronto) to ask for service prices & it's a few hundred dollars (for body, lenses & film back individually). So if I get one, I will not have any money to do a CLA for a long time. This makes me feel that maybe Hasselblad is not the system for me while I'm a student, I am very afraid of surprising costs that suddenly might come. On eBay, parts & lenses are also quite expensive.</p> <p>For like $400-$500 I can get an almost mint condition Mamiya RZ67+110mm f/2.8. With that system I can feel more assured by the fact that it is much newer & will not suddenly stop working. But it's much heavier than the Hasselblad & I have to get it from abroad (shipping to Canada & import fees are ridiculous here).</p> <p>Very difficult decision when funds are limited.</p>
  4. <p>Hi,<br> yesterday I saw an interesting deal in my local camera store. They have the following set<br> - Hasselblad 500 C/M<br />- 150mm lens<br />- 250mm lens<br> for around <strong>US$850</strong>. The camera is said to be in excellent condition (only cosmetically looks a bit used).<br> <img src="http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTMyWDgwMA==/z/oiwAAOSwYmZXE6CW/$_35.JPG" alt="" width="300" height="200" /></p> <p>They also have a <strong>"mint condition"</strong> body. However they say that a costumer looked at the camera, was not careful and he got the waist level finder somehow stuck. <strong>They offer this body with the 150mm + 250mm lenses for US$760.</strong> I was thinking that the money saved on this one can be used to get it serviced, then I'll have a camera in better condition and can also be assured that it will work for a long time since it has been serviced.</p> <p>So my question is:<strong> is any of these two options a good deal? And if so, which one?</strong><br> Naively it looks better than what I see on eBay (even excluding $100-$200 extra for import tax & shipping to Canada).</p> <p>As a poor student I would like to use my money wisely. I also consider to only get the body with 150mm to save some money (also because I mostly shoot handheld), but will get both if it's worth it.</p> <p>Thanks for the help!</p>
  5. <p>Thank you all for the comments, it has been very useful to me.<br> <br />The guy selling the camera is an older man that bought this set new, long time ago, and took very good care of it. He has several offers, but he wants to sell to a person that wants to use the camera seriously and not just sell it piece by piece for profit. Therefore I am still waiting for his decision.<br> ---<br> Meanwhile, I saw an interesting alternative in a local Camera shop in my city (oldest, most trusted shop in the city, bought my DSLR+lenses in this store). It's<br> - Hasselblad 500CM<br> - 150mm lens<br> - 250mm lens<br> <br />No more details about the lenses, but I will call them tomorrow or on Monday to get more details.<br> Camera+ the two lenses for <strong>CA$989+tax (US$753+tax)</strong>, which including tax will approximately be <strong>CA$1117 (US$850)</strong>. The ad says that it's in "perfect shape", but I have to check this in detail myself. This is a bit over my budget, but looks very interesting.<br> <img src="http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTMyWDgwMA==/z/oiwAAOSwYmZXE6CW/$_35.JPG" alt="" width="300" height="200" /><br> <strong>Is this a good price for this combination? And is it a significantly better option than the Mamiya package above?</strong><br> On Ebay, the prices seem to be higher for something equivalent (even without including shipping & import taxes).</p>
  6. <p>Thank you for the helpful remarks, it was very useful. I think I will contact the seller and see whether it is still available. I'm quite excited about playing with Medium format film photography and developing.<br> Regarding WLF. One reason I am interested in WLF's is that I think it will be more fun to use something very different from my DSLR system. But the main reason is that last week I had 10 minutes to play with a Hasselblad 500CM (with Prism finder) and a beaten up Bronica ETRS (with WLF). Despite the Hasselblad being a much nicer camera, I found the Bronica's WLF to be brighter, bigger and much easier to focus. But then again, that was just 10 minutes of playing. Most people seem to recommend the prism finder.</p> <p>Thanks!</p>
  7. <p>Hi everybody,</p> <p>I am a poor student interested in jumping into medium format film photography. Originally I was very hooked on getting RB67/RZ67, however I've found an interesting deal on a Mamiya 645 1000s bundle that might be worth it(the 645 might also be more practical for me, since I rarely shoot on tripods).</p> <p>The bundle includes:<br> <strong>*Camera & Finder:</strong><br> - Mamiya 645 1000s<br> - Metered PDs Prism Finder & back eye cup<br> <strong>*Lenses:</strong><br> - 45 mm f/2.8 Sector C<br> - 80 mm f/1.9 Sector C<br> - 150 mm f/4 Sector C<br> <strong>*Others:</strong><br> - Metallic hard (suit)case with place for all components<br> - Left Hand grip<br> - 110 & 220 Film Inserts<br> - Some filters, lend hood, strap, shutter release cable & other small things <br> <strong>* Condition</strong><br> - Claims that there is not a single mark on the camera or any of the lenses, and has been used vey little</p> <p>He wants CAD$650 for the whole thing, or in US dollars around <strong>US$500</strong>. I might be able to get it a bit lower.</p> <p><img src="http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjAwWDgwMA==/z/0UUAAOSwbYZXYzg0/$_27.JPG" alt="" width="640" height="480" /></p> <p><strong>So is this a very good deal? An okay deal? Or a bad deal?</strong> I see that the body + 80 mm f/1.9 alone in not as good condition, goes for this price on ebay (but shipping + import taxes etc must be added on that as well, where the above bundle I can pickup myself).</p> <p>My only problem is that 1) it's not a RB67/RZ67 (not a problem if it's a very good deal) and 2) I prefer waist-level finders, and buying WLF alone seems expensive on eBay.</p> <p>This poor student thanks for all your input.</p>
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