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  1. <p>Thanks to each of you for your responses. They were all helpful. I have solved my problem through several recommendations. 1) I set my camera to save both RAW and JPG. 2) I confirmed that my version of LR5 does not support the newer raw format of CR2. 3) I downloaded Adobe DNG converter and converted the CR2 to DNG and was able to import into LR5 and back into Picasa - YAY. In doing this I also confirmed the feedback that Picasa really didn't know how to read the RAW file version and the files looked reasonable when converted. I also found that maybe Lightroom isn't that hard to use, and I played around a little to find it might be worth the investment to just learn it since I shoot a lot of soccer and some wildlife where I want to apply the same editing to multiple photos, which I cannot do in Picasa. Thanks again for all the feedback, I found a nugget in each of the opinions. </p>
  2. <p>Thanks. My photos are much worse that the images you linked to, but that was a great jpg vs raw link. I loaded Lightroom, and it can't even read the raw images taken. I did pick out the photos that were promising and did some editing, but in Picasa doing one at a time is painful. I've changed the settings now to raw & jpg which should give me good options. I'll also check out the software shipped with my camera, although I'd really like to take the time to learn Lightroom. Thanks again for some quick ideas.</p>
  3. <p>I'm an amateur and I just moved from Nikon to Canon with a EOS Rebel T6i (my teens will use it more than I will). I watched a video on how to set it up and use it and the pro recommended that I take photos in RAW to make editing easier in Lightroom, which my daughter uses, but I use Picasa. I've been playing with the camera for a few days now and although images all look great on the LED screen, when I import them, they look gray. They can be somewhat fixed using settings, but why is this happening? Before I open an image the thumbprint looks find, but once it's been opened, it's grey. I'm using a new memory card, but I've tested a couple of them. I've tried importing to my desktop with other accessories also connected, and I've connected to my Surface with nothing else to interfere. I tested my "RAW" theory and set the camera to a Large photo setting and sure enough, colors look good. Any ideas? I've read a few forums and checked the exposure compensation (none), white balance (auto), and metering mode (set to evaluative metering). What should I be doing differently?</p>
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