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Everything posted by mike_bennet

  1. <p>Hi! Personally, I like your works very much and perfectly understand why people are eager to buy your prints (so moody!).<br> There are plenty easy ways to sell prints without actually being involved with the selling process. You can set up a <a href="https://en.zenfolio.com/product/selling">site on zenfolio</a> (I know couple of guys that are doing pretty well with that), you can set a worpress site with some ecommerce functions (a little more hassle than zenfolio) or you can sign up for a <a href="http://web.lyncpix.com/en/faq/#sales">lyncpix account</a> (can be a good choice because you already have a website).<br> If I were you, I'd go for a solution that leaves the print buying process to your customer and the print lab - let them decide what's best and keep doing your thing. <br> Best,<br> Mike</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
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