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Image Comments posted by michael_green

  1. yes, this is both upside down and a reflection. It was at a lake at sunset last fall. I put it upside down so that it models our way of seeing things more closely. Meaning that we usually see a tree sharply, unordinary, and familiar. But I am trying to challenge familiarity, with no filters, attachments, or other processes that we cannot see. This was a reflection, as "real" as the hair on our head. It was there, at that moment.
  2. Perhaps a face? Some personal impact of the players would help. Also, there's too much empty space up top. With the chaotic streaks of arms, there's a larger potential for a flurried, stronger image there. But I like the recurring circles of heads and ball. But if the ball was closer to the point of release...Then you could congest the whole image.
  3. yeah, I think that a 1/5 crop off of the top would do it right. Also, I feel that stepping to the left a wee bit when you took the photo would have helped to bring out the form of the shadow a little more.
  4. There's a lot that I'm crazy about here. First, the tension that the waves and chairs create. It evokes a lot of feeling, and leads (me at least) to that lasting thought that the ocean will still be crashing when our own chairs prove empty. I like the strong contrast, it has more power than a strong middle grey tonal range. Improvements? Perhaps arranging it so that there is a stonger dark tone on the right lower for balance..??? Overall, I love it.

    Egg - Sepia

    It looks like a star through a high powered telescope. I think that yawning black space on the left detracts from the image though. Try covering it up with your hand and judge for yourself


    very nice pic. at first I didn't like the screw on the bottom, but then I started to like how it brings the pic out of the pure abstract, which I enjoy personally.
  5. Very good cropping comments. I would like to add that it is a common approach to make a moving subject seem to leave the frame, to give it more motion. But I can also see why you cropped it as is, because of the symetrical (and very nice) lines, that hold the subject in attention. I also think that the grain effect works well, and lends it a nice texture that is refreshing to look at.
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