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  1. <p>Thanks Michael, and I loved your restaurant pic. It's beautiful. Did you do any post editing? I'm kinda weak at editing and manages with just the basic editing. <br> I went on looking into the rest of the pics as well. Started following you. :)</p>
  2. <p>Hi, I'm a beginner in photography and has a 70D Canon, with basic block lens, one 75-300 mm telephoto zoom lens and one 10-20 mm wide lens. These were gifts from my cousin, who knows my craze towards photography. Luckily via some of my friends, who thinks I do a better photography, I've got a brand photo shoot of a new restaurant in our locality.<br> The restaurant is basically a night goers place and they want to capture the whole night ambiance, and I'm very much interested about it. Now, the problem is that they have couple of LED displays in two sides of restaurants that has good quotes and specials displayed. It is awesome idea to get the customers, but I don't think I can get a good snap of that display, if without flash the LED while moving, it kinda washes off. When given a higher ISO, the grains pops up. With flash the display kinda reflects bad light, cause the whole frame is metallic. Something kinda the below image.<br> <img src="https://www.newstylesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/gallery/large/9512539381421132959NSS_Signs_Toronto_LED_04.jpg" alt="" /><br> The display will scroll sideways. I don't know what to do, I'm sticking with restaurant light to take all other pics but how can I just change the whole feel with the display? Can anyone help me on this??</p>
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