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Posts posted by chris_schlumpf

  1. <p>I'm now 99% sure my issues are with having bad developer. I did a roll of PanF+ in D76 today and they came out really nicely. Not perfection by any means, but I'd chalk it up to my learning curve, it seems everything went right.<br>

    Now before I get to the next part please realize that I've never shot B+W film before nor developed it. What I realized the second my film today came out of the reel was that the Ifosol I have is not actually developing the film. Excuse my lack of understanding, but my roll today has "missing" parts of the emulsion which my films before did not have. Since I never developed black and white before I didn't realize this was an issue. I'm sure anyone here would have realized right away, but take a look below. It's hard to get a good picture but take a look between right (D76) and left (Ifosol). Unless theres a different way these developers work, it seems the Ifosol has some issue and is simply not developing correctly. </p>

  2. <p>Just tested the thermometer and was bang on 32 degrees. Its a precision glass one that I got from B&H.<br>

    The first roll I did I just ran it under cold sink water for the rinse and thought that might be the issue. The last couple rolls I've gotten out a large container and filled it with 68 degree water. I mixed my chemicals and did the rinse all from that water and made sure it stayed at 68 through the process.</p>

  3. <p>I'm definitely doing something wrong, is there a chance something is wrong with the developer itself? Just shot through and developed my roll of FP4+ and scanned in a few and I'm getting the same results. The only attribute I can think of is the development. I had a local shop process a roll of color for me and the results were great, clear sharp images and the scans I got from my own scanner were great. That to me rules out camera and scanner and the number of rolls I've done now rule out film, at least from my perspective. I might pick up some D76 and give it another shot, might as well try what others are having success with.</p>
  4. <p>Thanks all, I've got some FP4 I'm shooting right now and I've read that does better in Ifosol.<br>

    Just figuring out film and it seems people are getting a lot more detail and less grain out of HP5+ than I am so just trying to figure out where in the process I'm going wrong; either within camera, developing or scanning. Attached is another scan I did with the same roll with no sharpening or grain reduction in Vuescan and a zoom in on grain structure.<br>

    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/18232458-lg.jpg" alt="" width="1500" height="1015" /> </p>

    <p> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/18232459-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="367" /></p>

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