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  1. chris_robertson6

    sweet kids

    film photo, hasselblad 500c
  2. Looks like l bought an expensive paper weight. Maybe can sell for parts and get a few bucks. What a bummer.
  3. <p>I've tried a couple different batteries but with no luck. I'm pretty sure its not a battery problem. Isn't there some way to cock the body manually?</p>
  4. <p>Yes thats correct. Even with both settings at "o" position the mirror stays up. I put both in "o" position and re-inserted battery but still nothing. Only response is the faint click sound when i press the shutter. The actual shutter doors do not open and no gears turn.</p>
  5. <p>I recently bought a 500 elm body on eBay and when it arrived the mirror was in up position, rear shutters closed, and no batteries. I purchased a 9v adapter and inserted into body and nothing happens. i can press the shutter button and hear a click inside but that is all, nothing moves. I turned the screw through the back shutter, it has tension, and mirror will come down but when i release it goes back up. i thought i could cock the body by turning this screw but that is not the case. I've read every post i can find regarding the el's but i haven't seen this problem. I put a film back on and still the same.<br> I got the camera cheap and as is but the owner said all he thought it needed was batteries. Did i just buy a doorstop? i was really looking forward to using this camera. I have a 500c that I love but I couldn't pass up the EL for such a reasonable price. Any help is greatly appreciated.<br> I live in Alabama and there are no camera repair shops within 200 miles. I need an expert to look at it but I'm afraid it may not be worth the cost of repair if its something serious. Any ideas?</p> <p>thanks, Chris in Alabama</p>
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