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Everything posted by fred_abajo

  1. <p>Thank you Mr. Odess. I'll do a quick survey and contact you directly. I appreciate your help.</p>
  2. <p>Thank you Mr. Odess. That's a point well taken, and I expect that any bit of rubber 45-odd years old would be far outside it's expiration date.<br> Now the question is where to find an updated brake assembly? My first impulse is to find a dead donor 500 C/M but I've been down that road before with Nikon SLR's and have a closet full of reported dead but easily revived cameras and still no donor part.<br> If only they were like kidneys where you could take one and still have one left.....<br> (you have a neat website, by the way, and I wish my doctor had as good a reputation)</p>
  3. <p>Where oh where can I buy a rubber dampening disc that is part of the auxiliary shutter brake for the Hasselblad 500 C? I don't know the part number, although a have tried a couple of the usual suspects via the web and can not find someone who will sell me the part. <br> Please help me before I take scissors to a good bicycle inner tube.</p>
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