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  1. <p>I realize this is almost six years later, but I found this thread while searching out this same issue I was having. It stems back to a 90 page InDesign document with linked PSDs. I then discovered that when exporting in InDesign, vector data from the PSDs is not maintained. So I went back to the PSDs to export to Photoshop PDFs with the intention of relinking in InDesign with the vector data in these PDFs. I was trying to find a good way to batch process the 90 PSD files to PDF without having to go through the SAVE AS dialog every time (as is the case with "factory" batch save to PDF action). So I recorded my own action of open/save as/close, but every time I ran the batch it saved as the same file over and over again. <br> Long story short, I found the answer, which is just ticking the checkbox in the batch window which is OVERRIDE ACTION "OPEN" COMMANDS. Duh. Since the Open command was already in my action, it needed to be overridden in the batch. </p>
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