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  1. <p>Hello! I've been working with 2 speedlights outdoors for years. I mostly work at sunset and like background sun so need lights in front of subject (or cloudy days, just more light). But have been experimenting more and more with more dramatic lighting and staying until sun is down and wind is done. I'm thinking of either buying a bracket to hold 3 speedlights and buying 2 more speedlights or trying a portable battery and lighting system. Vagabond mini seems popular but the light that goes with it looks big/heavy. I don't need a ton of power, I don't do weddings, just senior photos (1 person). And hike quite a bit for shoots so can't add a lot of weight. Can anyone please suggest a good combination that is lightweight other than speedlights? If I go to Einstein-Alienbee/vagabond route will I have to start over with triggers, soft boxes, umbrellas, etc? And which would be the smallest to buy if only wanted power of say 3 speedlights in one? Sorry, tons of questions! :). I can always call Buff to ask, but thought maybe someone had found an alternative for portraits that was good. Also, not techy, sorry! could I operate a fan with any of the batteries for lights? (cool effect with baby powder). A friend suggested a battery operated leaf blower! Thank you thank you!!!! Magdalena</p>
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