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  1. <p>Hello, <br /><br />I am just starting in the photography world. I do pole fitness, and there aren't a ton of pole fitness photographers out there, and even fewer articles on how to shoot pole photography. The pole world is the niche I want to get into, and I want to begin by practicing shots with my friends. However, I have absolutely no idea of where to begin for photography. I have a pole in my home that I'm planning to use to get going with the photography. I have about a 14'x16' space that I'll be shooting in, with the pole in the center. I have found that I generally shoot at about 20-24mm focal length. I have a very basic lens with the widest aperture being f3.5 (yes, I know, I need something that opens wider once I start doing this professionally, but right now, I'm more concerned with lighting). <br /><br />I honestly am not sure where to begin with lighting. I keep reading up on dance photography but none of it seems to specifically address what to do in a portrait session with people spinning around poles (shocker). I know I need an off camera flash. I don't know how many. I can't tell if I'm supposed to use an umbrella, a softbox, an octobox, if I need reflectors, or pretty much anything because nobody talks about it. Pole photography requires an extremely fast shutter speed, and because I have such an annoying aperture to work with, I really just need thoughts on what would be the best lighting. The kinds of pictures I want to aim for would be like this: <br /><br /><br> <img src="http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/13/e4/06/13e4066def7d4c040ff14064ceea5954.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="960" /><br> I recognize that where I place the light will obviously change the shadows, but I'm basically just looking for white background, crisp images of the dancers. Please let me know anything you can think of that would be a good set-up, both lights and any reflectors/grids/anything you think would be good to have. <br /><br />Thank you so, so much for any help/advice!<br /><br />Steph</p>
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