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  1. <p>I've built a little homemade steady cam that I want to add a quick release to so I don't have to screw/unscrew my camera to/from it all the time. Rather than buying a whole quick release system, I was hoping I could use my same quick release from my tripod (QSX - Digipro 8500) and just buy the part that connects the <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/247946-REG/Sunpak_620_732_Quick_Release_Plate_for.html">quick release</a> to the tripod. Is there a specific name for that? Is it just the head of the tripod? The name of the quick release is Sunpak SP620-732 Quick Release, shown <a href="http://www.tripodquickrelease.com/Sunpak_Quick_Releases.htm">here</a> (the third one down).<br> Any suggestions on where to look to buy that piece or a better way to do this? It would be nice to just have one plate that could connect to both my tripod and my steady cam. The best I can think of it just to buy one of those tripods and unscrewing the head from the tripod and mount that to the steady cam, but that seems like over kill when I only need the piece that the quick release plate connects to.<br> Thanks for any help!<br> <strong><br /></strong></p>
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