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Posts posted by ian_devenney

  1. <p>Sooo,<br>

    I just bought a used Sekonic L-508 from Japan for some significant amount of money. And I'm now fooling about with it at home, and find that in the spot meter mode it can't seem to handle shadows very well.<br>

    I have read some discussion of this issue just now, but I am unsure of whether my meter is broken or not.<br>

    I can't seem to get it to read anything darker than 2s at f8, iso 400. Or an EV of 5.4 in that mode. That seems pretty bad to me... <br>

    My cheapo DSLR can handle these shadows, more or less. I bought the dedicated meter cause I wanted the ability to spot meter for shadows and use the zone system in some sort of way. Now I find out it doesn't even work any better!<br>

    am I missing something here?</p>

  2. <p>Just had a convo with my uncle, Peter Sramek (who incidentally knows his shiznatch, feel free to google him). He has more or less convinced me to scan and digital print for large stuff, and go dink around in the shared darkroom when I want to do that...<br>

    Seems reasonable, really. Maybe I'll buy a cheapo 6x7 camera and a little enlarger for home, but not for now.</p>

  3. <p>Thanks all,<br>

    There is the kitchen drain (2") running on the far side of a masonry wall. I'll have to drill through the wall and tap into it, but I see no problem with that. I'll vent with a cheater valve.<br>

    My new plan is to put in a deep plastic laundry tub immediately, and then be able to use the space with a temp. counter. I can work on a 6' wooden sink when time allows. That way I'll have a deep and shallow sink.</p>

    <p>Now, the problem remains about the enlarger. I've decided, if possible, that I don't want to chop my negs in half or buy some dinky piece of trash. I would like to find a creative way of making some large prints, too. I found a Durst Laborator 138s for sale a few hours drive away. I want it. But have no space.</p>

    <p>What about putting it in the garage? I can make up a lightproof bag. All I do is roll up the paper, pop it in the bag and carry back to the basement. Thoughts?<br>

    It gets cold here in Toronto. Will the enlarger see any damage from the cold?</p>


  4. <p>OK sooooo... I just made some contact prints with a bedside lamp on the concrete floor of my darkroom to be. What a mess. I get it now. Darkroom sink coming up. I'll make a wooden one. I'm a carpenter. Just need to sort out what the drain connection to the wood looks like. I'll do a search.<br>

    I'll keep my eyes peeled for a 5x7 enlarger. <br>

    My plan going in was to scan the negs and print digitally. I have friends who own a fine art photo printing company. I'l do some real biggies when I have something I like enough. Or go to the shared darkroom for big chemical prints. But it would be nice to learn at home!<br>

    thanks so much everyone!</p>

  5. <p>OK I'm sold!<br>

    But remember my negs are nearing 7" long. I don't think you can just pick up 5x7 or 8x10 enlarger and move it around, right?<br>

    The ceiling in the room is also very low. 6'1 to the joists, but I'm leaving the cavities partly open.</p>

    <p>Perhaps I need to find some other way of making prints in there, sans enlarger. Hence the contact printing idea. But they're pretty small that way....<br>

    I've looked at some alternative processes to find something that would work for me down there. But I want crisp high quality images, not ones that are fuzzy, antiquey, or otherwise "charming".<br />Ideas?<br>

    Maybe this should go in another section...</p>

  6. <p>I'm thinking now to do a hybrid version - with an undermount stainless sink at one end of a plywood counter with a lip on it, coated in resin. This would still feel like a countertop for various dry tasks, but could be washed out toward the sink if it gets messy.<br>

    Anyone seen this kind of thing before? Those plastic sinks with double wells etc. sound fine, but I'm on a budget....</p>


  7. <p>Thanks for the responses.<br>

    I have the energy to put some work in now, so I'm anxious to 'get it right' the first time -'cause I have a baby on the way and time will get more precious very soon.<br>

    I would love to have an enlarger, and I think I can even track down a free one. Problem is my camera is 6x17 cm. I think I don't have space for a 5x7 or 8x10 enlarger.<br>

    It will make my wife happy if I can contain all of the photographic work and chemical stuff away from her and the rest of the house. I'm pretty handy - putting in the sink is no problem.</p>

    <p>Can anyone comment on the slope of a wooden sink and leveling the jobo?<br>



  8. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I'm planning to put a small darkroom in my basement and i'm looking for advice. I have looked at a number of previous posts, but I'm having a hard time piecing it all together. I'm new at this, so bear with me.<br>

    The room is about 8' long, 6' wide, with a door swinging in at one end. I will mostly be developing film, including slides with a jobo CPE2.<br>

    I have no immediate plans to buy an enlarger, but I may want to do some contact printing.<br>

    My plan was to just put in an 8' counter with a small stainless sink at one end. Now I see all these big wooden and plastic darkroom sinks that people have....<br>

    Will I regret not building one of these?<br>

    Also, how does drainage work with one of these wooden sinks?<br>

    Is the bottom sloped toward the drain? How does that work with keeping the jobo level?<br>

    Do people really wash film tanks in these big sinks? Seems like more mess than just dumping into a small basin.<br>

    I really only have that 8' section of full-depth counter space. Would you give up that counter space just for a big sink?<br>

    I feel like I should just go with my original plan, but I am curious to hear reasons to consider a large 8' sink, or some other arrangement.<br>



  9. <p>Thanks Peter,<br /> I suppose those are similar to the look I'm going for. But totally different lighting conditions, no? I seem to have less trouble shooting outdoors. Straight scans that cover the whole histogram can turn out decent conrast. Perhaps I'll add one more image to the page as a sample.<br /> This room is pretty dim, with these overhead lights, and some flouros in the background.<br /> I'd be happy to hear ideas of changing developing or shooting strategy. I'm going to stick with my one and only camera.<br /> I've developed in xtol 3:1 and 510 pyro. Both give me nice looking negatives, at least to my untrained eye. Full range of values from just above film base to dense black in the lightbulb area. Standard development. Haven't tried pulling it. Pushed it to 1600, lacking shadow detail as expected.</p>
  10. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I hope this is the right section for this question. It could have gone in a number of places....<br>

    I'm new at all this, so please be kind.<br>

    Link to images: http://www.foxwedge.com/photography/<br>

    I'm trying to shoot a very contrasty scene (follow link above). The effect I'm looking for is to have a high degree of local contrast between the tools on the wall, so that the peg-board reads more or less as white, but also include the outline of the light bulbs.<br>

    When I scanned these (samples on a 4870 flatbed, real ones to be done on imacon), I included the full range of values to get the outline of the light bulbs. But that gives me a flat and dark image otherwise. If I pull the curve all over the place I get an unnatural over-processed look, and it seems that the values are still compressed and flat in the main subject area.<br>

    If I clip the top values, I can get something closer to what I want (second image down), but the lightbulbs are blown out.</p>

    <p>I figure I have 3 options<br>

    1) fancy photoshop dodge/burn etc. work that I don't know how to do yet.<br>

    2) some sort of fancy HDR work/layers/reversal etc. etc. that I don't know how to do yet.<br>

    3) double expose the scene; once with the light bulbs off and added fill light, and then a second short exposure with the light bulbs on.</p>

    <p>which option (or another one) will give the best result and why?<br>

    How should I be dealing with the histogram when I scan? Leave it all in? clip something?<br>

    any other thoughts?<br>

    thank you!</p>

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