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  1. <p>I do have a film changing back since I develop my own film, so I used it to double check and it was loaded correctly. One thing I didn't realize is that opening the door would reset the frame counter so when I closed it, it got reset to 0 and lost a few frames winding it. It was just a test roll so at least I learned something and didn't really waste much film. Thanks for all the responses!</p>
  2. Hello everyone, I just recently acquired a Mamiya 645 Pro with a 120 back. I loaded my first roll of film following instructions I had seen on a youtube video. Later on I saw another video and realized I may have incorrectly loaded the film. I've only shot one frame so I was wondering if it would be worth it to open the back and check. I could either lose that one frame or lose the whole roll. If I don't remove the cartridge (I just gotta look at how the roll is mounted), can light still reach the film? Thanks.
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