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Everything posted by point_shoot

  1. <p>Wow - Thanks for all the feedback! All considered, and thankful for the guidance thus far.</p> <p>Currently looking at <br> Agfa Optima 1535, Yashica Electro, and the Olympus xa/x4a.<br> Pretty much all around $100 - any sound like a deal? <br> <br> Going to continue to synthesize forum feedback, and search the interwebs! <br> <br> Best,<br> K. </p>
  2. <p>I've recently stumbled across my love for photography. I've been shooting with a friends DLSR, but feel deserving of my own camera at this point. I want something much more "low-profile" than a DSLR - something that can realistically be carried around, and covertly used to avoid the "IM ON CAMERA" face large DSLRs seem to pull out of people. </p> <p>I enjoy shooting everything, but really enjoy people + fashion + every day things the most. Sharper is usually better, but I do like the unique coloration and "feel" some of the older film cameras can imbibe a shot with. </p> <p>With an inundation of options within this field, and a penchant for over-researching purchases, I figured I'd take this question to y'all to get some feedback from more seasoned photographers, and people that may have had experience with these cameras that they can speak to. </p> <p><strong>Current Considerations</strong>: Contax T2/3, Yashica T4 (Super D), Minolta TC-1, Nikon 28/35ti</p> <p>If you have any other suggestions that I might have missed, feel free to add. I know there are lots of options, but would like to concentrate on $250-400 price point, and ones that would compliment my shooting style the best.<br> Best,<br> K.</p> <p> </p>
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