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  1. <p>Hi Nick,<br> I have the GX680iii, and I also have a Mamiya 645. I have the GX680 for the same reasons that you want it - for the movements.<br> I've looked into other options such as a tilt-shift adapters for MF (finding most wide angle lenses don't have a large enough image circle for the tilt-shift), I've also looked at large format, which i'm still considering, but if you want hand-held, forget it.<br> I've never used the GX680 hand-held, only ever on a tripod, only because I carry it in parts (in a back pack - very convenient) and assemble when I get to location (I also never use this as a 'studio camera' - only landscape and architecture), You could assemble it, put it in a bag and then take it out and wear it around your neck (it's ready for a neck strap), however, expect some neck strain if you're carrying it with the lens attached at all times, maybe you could carry the lenses in something around your waist? or in a bag on your back? then attach for the image, only because the lenses are heavy, beautiful!... but heavy.<br> The body and film backs of the camera are plastic/carbon fibre which is impressive but the glass in the lenses are pretty large and heavy.<br> On lenses, I only ever take two out with me, the 125 mm, great for portraits and details - very shallow depth of field, and the 65 mm which is my wide angle. The widest lens is 50 mm, however this is the only lens of their range which doesn't have a large enough image circle for movements, so if you want movements, 65 mm is the widest, and it's wide enough.<br> you could buy an entire kit for $1500 for sure, however, you probably wont be able to find a mint 65 mm that would keep this kit under $1500, there are plenty out there on eBay for example, but they mostly have a tiny bit of dust or something a little more scary. Mine has a touch of dust, but I don't see it effecting any of my images, so I don't mind it.<br> the Pentax 67 has a lens with movements, but it's 75mm, so not wide enough for architecture, but maybe landscape? I'd look into those, but it could also be a little heavy, and if you don't frighten the wildlife away, the mirror slap will, so just consider that.<br> I have a 35 mm for my mamiya 645, it's great for interiors but not exteriors or landscapes (where you might need movements - and I think movements are necessary once you know have to use them - cheak this out: https://youtu.be/0fw-API6SIY )<br> one last thing on the GX680, never buy rechargeable batteries for it, it can last a long time on the single use ones, but not the rechargeable ones, also take a spare set with you just in case. That is the downside to this, runs on batteries. Other than that, It's a wonderful camera, I do take it on hikes, worth it.</p>
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