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  1. Thanks for the advice everyone. The issue was that in the bulb setting the shutter didn't stay open as long as I had my finger on the trigger. Not sure what happened but when I put in a new roll of film it started working again, so I got quite lucky. I'm not sure if it was the cold that made this happen (I'm in Iceland so it's freezing!) but thank you anyway hopefully this won't happen again.
  2. Hi, I'm hoping someone can offer me some advice. I've had my om1 for a few years now and has worked perfectly fine until today when I was trying to take a longer exposure. I set the speed to a second but it didn't feel like it lasted that long, so I changed the shutter to b and again the speed was very quick, not lasting as long as I had my finger on the shutter. Has anyone experienced this before and if so know of a way I can fix it?! I'm on holiday at the moment and this is the only camera I have so please if anyone can help I would really appreciate it!!
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