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Image Comments posted by yockenwaithe



    Thanks Fred! I took these a few months ago, so wasn't as versed in perspective as I am now, though I'll keep that in mind [it was her camera and I was only given it for a few minutes, otherwise I would've probably taken more varied shots]. I'm going to be doing something similar in a little bit and I'll be trying to get some more angled shots and different distances to shake things up a little bit [hopefully I'll be a tad bit better what with it being greener and all nowadays].


    Also I'll be using a fully manual lens so it won't capture everything due to matrix metering and all, so there'll be some depth of field experimenting going on, and all that fun stuff, as I haven't actually developed any of my film that I've taken in the past few months [poor college age student type stuff] but expect some of that too, hopefully it'll be a bit better than these!



    A shot of the Devil's Icebox in Rock Bridge Memorial State park. One of the few good

    shots I managed to get of her smiling anyhow. Critiques are welcome!



    Thanks Lannie!

    I probably should've given the location- It's the Devil's Icebox trail in the Rock Bridge Memorial state park. It certainly lives up to its name [especially at this time of the year!]

    Death Ray


    Thanks for the critique Supriyo! The whole making the lens point at something idea is awesome- I'm imagining something that was recently on fire with glowing cinders so it looks like it was incinerated, or pointing a laser through it [sort of like you said] so it looks like it's in the process of firing

    Death Ray


    A macro of the lens mount for my TeleXenar that I though looked suspiciously like

    an death ray from some old sci-fi comic book.


    shot at ISO 80 f/2.8 1/30


    Any critiques are welcome! I'm trying to become a professional and any insights are

    very helpful!


    The picture is unedited

  1. I love how there's a telephone box [a rarity where I'm from at least] right next to a vending machine [which practically breed they're so common]. It's a nice contrast between old and new or rare and common, and field or crops in the back make it look like it was photoshopped in but it wasn't which is really neat

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