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Everything posted by mountain_dwells

  1. <p>Hi all ...</p> <p>A few years ago I developed an interest in <strong>film photography</strong>, and was fortunate enough to know several people who dabbled in the vintage form, and they were quite knowledgeable about specific qualities of film cameras (and digital cameras) and the merits of skill and beauty in photography. But I was younger then and my mind freer, and though they tried their best to be patient and simple with me, whenever I thought I learned something of importance or received an answer to one of my many queries, it would exit one ear soon after entering the other, because I found they were never quite able to translate the techno-babble into easy-to-remember info. The knowledge seemed to get lost in translation.</p> <p>I want to learn. I'm ready to learn. And I thought it best to <strong>start with the basics</strong>. </p> <p>I'm interested in the quality and variations of <strong>film cameras and their lenses</strong> - for starters, <em><strong>I need to understand the specifics of the hieroglyphs written on different lenses</strong></em>: what they mean, and what they translate to in photographic form. </p> <p>I have in my possession 5 beautiful film cameras. Four were purchased on ebay in the last 5 years, and were made sometime in the last 50 years. I also have a lovely little newly-made plastic creature which was a gift from a friend, bought on the Lomography site. Anyway....<br> Here's my query :</p> <blockquote> <p>Can someone please <strong>explain the descriptions on lenses</strong>, specifically (the ones visible on lenses of 3 of my cameras) :<br> <strong>1:1.9</strong> <em> f=50mm FM </em>[ X-Fujinon ]<br> <strong>1:2</strong> <em>50mm SMC </em> [ Pentax-M Asahi Optical Co.]<br> <strong>1:1.7 </strong><em>50mm MD ø 55mm </em>[ Rokkor-X Minolta ]</p> </blockquote> <p>I bought these cameras (<em>Fujica, Pentax, Minolta</em>) thinking they looked exactly like what I was looking for: a vintage film camera like the many I'd seen in vintage photographs, aswell as the suspected creators of those beautiful vintage snapshots. <br />Later I learned they were called SLRs (so before I knew what they were called you can imagine the charades trying to describe the kind of camera I was after), and there was mention that they required 2 or 3 lenses to suit all my needs.</p> <p>How I understand it is that each of these lenses is a "Prime" lens(?). A fixed lens that doesn't zoom, and the 50mm is a staple in many kits. Right? <strong>But what about those ratios and the letters? What do these translate to in image-form and capturing capabilities? </strong><br> <strong><br /></strong>I realise a lot of enthusiasts, professionals and shutterbugs may read this and scoff at my puny comprehension. But the truth is I'm seeking someone who can explain simply, and then in-depth, like an eager student seeking a patient and insightful teacher, so that I can widen my own understanding, further my photographic education. We can't all teach ourselves from articles on the net, and while I have shot with these cameras on many occasions, gradually becoming acquainted with their slight variations, strengths, weaknesses..<strong> I'm yet to understand the actual meaning and purpose behind these scribings</strong> (among other things).</p> <p>I'm going at this alone right now, and lacking a flesh-and-blood friend to show me the ropes I figured I'd turn to the ever-knowledgable world-wide-web of experts. So if you have the experience, the understanding, and the appreciation of passing on know-how and lessons to a newcomer, like handing down stories, songs, language, skills and tradition through the generations, then I look forward to our conversations, starting with this one.</p> <p>Dwelling from the mountains, I hope to hear from you soon. <br> : )</p> <p> </p>
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