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Everything posted by trevor_oconnor

  1. I thought about the back door, but would that leave an exact shape in the same spot on all affected photos? Would it not cause more general and unpredictable fogging? I suppose I could look anyway. Is there a best way to check using the flashlight method? Thanks for the responses
  2. <p>Picked up my m2 a couple months ago, finally got a lens for it and put a couple rolls of film through it to find a triangular "light leak", for lack of a better term, in a good number of the photos. Some googling led me to believe it could be a pinhole in my shutter. So, I shone a flashlight through the front and eventually found a tiny tiny hole, but in the lower part of the second (right from back view) curtain, which doesn't seem to correspond with where the "leak" is when you consider the flipped image in the camera.</p> <p>Anyway, I patched that hole with a tiny bit of liquid electrical tape and ran a roll of film through the next day and didn't have any problems. So I was thinking problem solved, but I put another roll through, which was in the camera for a considerably longer time (a week or two) and the triangle returned. It doesn't seem as strong, but I also would have had the lens cap on more often and haven't been in a whole lot of bright light situations which could be the deciding factor.</p> <p>I went back to the trusty flashlight method, but after an hour of squinting and moving the shutter through its cocking cycle, not so much as the tiniest sliver of light showed itself, the patch seems to have worked perfectly. That leaves me where I am now. Frustrated with no clue what to do next. I have considered sending it to Kindermann, but I would rather avoid a costly repair if possible, and also was hoping to use the camera over the holidays when I travel to BC, and I don't know if the turnaround time would allow that.</p> <p>The leak is in the left side of the frame near the bottom, is triangular in shape, continues outside of the frame, and sometimes into the right side of the next image. If anyone has any idea what's causing this, or how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated.<br /><br /><br>
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