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Everything posted by simbarashe_cha

  1. <p>Teller didn't "paint" his images with colour; that's a property of the film... </p>
  2. <p>You'll need a 70-200 lens, but anything longer than 85 prime should usually do the trick. <br />NO FLASH. <br />Typically, industry shooters set to f4, ISO 400-1000 depending on the lighting situation. Shutter needs to be faster than 1/200th to avoid blur. <br />Set to burst. <br />Most photographers will set their focus manually to a point (or set an autofocus range if your camera is newer). Wait for the models to cross this threshold to shoot, will allow consistent images for all of the models. <br />For white balance, if you're with a bunch of other photographers there should usually be a house photographer there; you can ask him or her what the temperature is and set accordingly. When in doubt, set to Auto. <br />A word on the aperture, while a 70-200 f4 lens should be adequate if you're shooting with a full frame SLR, the standard for glass is 2.8. The extra speed comes in handy because sometimes you never know. </p>
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