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Image Comments posted by carlos_perez



    Experimental macro photography. I'm new to this, so any suggestions

    on technique would be greatly appreciated. I think most obviously

    more light next time due to the fact that I had to use a wide

    aperture, causing blurring around the edges.

    bitter earth

    VERY NICE. You did a supurb job of capturing the detail of the foreground while keeping the sun from blowing up. I also very much like your composition. In fact, I couldn't change anything about this shot. Great work!


    Nice subject with very interesting lines. I think you did a good job of framing this one. I just have a question about the lighting. Something makes this scene too busy for me. Try messing around with different framing ideas - I think this one has potential.

    Dead tree trunk

    Good lighting with nice shadow details, but the framing doesn't really make sense. I would personally try changing your angle so it looks like you're going somewhere, like over the log if you were on a walk. I bet there were a lot of ways to shoot this picture. Keep up the work.

    Steven in Red.

    Very cool... Is this "painted" with light, or is it a sign? Nice work. Strange framing though. I would experiment with cropping it - the left side seems too dead to be of any use.

    Whole round

    Normally I don't like ducks - their feathers get everywhere and they shit on just about everything. But this one is peaceful and I REALLY like the way you captured the ripples moving away from it... I like THIS duck.


    Great timing! This kid's going to be tortured with this shot when he grows up. lol... believe me, my mom has books of photos that I dread whenever I bring my girlfriend around.

    Prarie Windmill

    A polarizer would have really sharpenned this image up. I would prefer it in B/W also, maybe with a red filter to create some more contrast. Farm scenes like this with simple lines tend to look better in monotone to me - color tends to be a distraction from the things that are important - like the word "MOTOR" on the windmill. Overall a nice sharp shot though. Good work.


    I dunno about this one. On one hand it is a very interesting subject, but there seems to be too much contrast, and I don't care for the picture overall. I want to push the window down and to the left of the frame. I think that would top this off. Maybe it wasn't possible given your subject. The other option I would have chosen would be to crop this one into a square and leave the window in the lower left corner. Biggest complaint is too much contrast - but still a unique image.


    I tend to like my flower shots a little less contrasty when sunlight is involved - This pic would be more appealing to me with less contrast + brighter shadows. Try washing it out a bit and closing down your aperture to get more depth.
  1. This shot has a lot of potential. I think it suffers a bit from lighting. A longer exposure would compensate nicely, and if there were some way to move the camera further over what appears to be a ledge in the lower right-hand corner you could have a much nicer perspective set of lines.



    This is a close-up shot of a door with rusty staples on it. I've

    rotated the image 90 degrees clockwise and increased the contrast to

    give it a more dramatic feel.

  2. Nice excercise in perspective. My only feedback would be to crop the top section so it grazes right across the top couple of branches in the tallest tree. The horrizon seems to centered to me. Keep up the good work!
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