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Posts posted by dominic_ashfield

  1. <p>Thank you for the replies, your advice is much appreciated.<br>

    I've just had a look at some other film (Agfa and Illford) processed by the same lab, but that came out of two different cameras.<br>

    Those films also have long perfectly straight scratches, though all of them at slightly different heights.</p>

    <p>Unless there are three cameras scratching lines into their films, I think it has to be the lab.<br>

    The people there are very friendly and stock a lot of vintage camera equipment, so hopefully they'll look into it!</p>

  2. <p>Hi everyone. First post, so nice to meet you all.<br /> I'm a long time digital shooter, but first time film photographer. As such it's been an engaging and interesting learning curve, which I hope will improve my overall skills long term.<br /> Today I received my first roll of film back from the developer, but there seem to be long, straight scratches in the surface of the film. These are not at all random, and appear to be something that occurred during processing, as they run the length of all the film strips.<br /> Are such scratches simply a fact of life, or should I approach my local lab (not a Chemist/Drugstore) about the issue, in the hope that they can adjust or clean their machinery?<br /> If it's hard to see, please click the images for slightly larger versions (the forum resizes things down)</p>

    <p><strong>Top third of the frame, just above the bird's head, and bottom quarter through the wood:</strong> <a href="http://users.on.net/~excession/scratches1.jpg"><img src="http://users.on.net/~excession/scratches1.jpg" alt="" width="1400" height="788" /></a></p>

    <p><strong>Bottom tenth of frame:</strong> <a href="http://users.on.net/~excession/scratches2.jpg"><img src="http://users.on.net/~excession/scratches2.jpg" alt="" width="1400" height="788" /></a></p>

    <p><strong>Top third of frame, halfway between the bird's head and the edge of frame:</strong> <a href="http://users.on.net/~excession/scratches3.jpg"><img src="http://users.on.net/~excession/scratches3.jpg" alt="" width="1400" height="788" /></a></p>

    <p>In case anyone was interested, these were taken with a Nikon FM3a and El' Cheapo Fuji Superia 400, then scanned using an eBay lighttable and my EM5 with macro lens.<br /> Thanks in advance for your help! :)</p>

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